Isaac Darkflame

Human Fiend Warlock (Charlatan, CN, 25)

Isaac used to be a small-time conman with a few cantrips up his sleeve. He travelled from town to town, always working an angle and trying to come out ahead. He is no stranger to jail cells, having spen this fair share of them in all the major towns and cities in the Islands. He had even spent some time trying to become an artist, but that career never took off. Despite all his failures, he had never gotten into any really serious trouble.

One day, he unknowingly pulled a con which would end up costing him dearly. He had swiped a coinpurse from a half-elf man, making him look a fool in the process. A few weeks after the con, thinking nothing of it, Isaac met a woman in a tavern in Covenant. They started talking, and one thing led to another.

During the night, the woman revealed her true form and purpose to Isaac. She was a succubus named Zaharyss, and the man that Isaac had conned had been in her service. Isaac's actions had set in motion a series of events that ended up with the death of the half-elf.

Zaharyss offered him a simple choice. She would either claim his soul right away, or he could enter into her service and repay his debt. If he did so, Zaharyss promised to reward him with magical powers, as well as a place at her table and in her bed. The choice seemed simple enough to Isaac.

Now Isaac acts as Zaharyss' envoy in Estia, doing whatever she commands him to do. The missions he is given rarely make much sense to him, and he is never given their full context. What is so interesting about the ledger of that specific shop? Who cares about who that nobleman met in a bar? Zaharyss does, and that is enough for Isaac.


  • I can go from flattery to insults in a heartbeat.
  • My luck has never let me down, and I trust it a bit too much.


  • Freedom: I want to forge my own way in the world. (Chaotic)


  • While I want to be free, I crave the affection that my mistress shows me.


  • I convince myself that I could not be fooled the way I fool others.

  • L1 feat: Lucky
  • L1: Sorcerer: Aberrant Mind for shield/con saves/cantrips
    • Eventually take two more levels for metamagic: Subtle + Quickened
      • Don't want the levels too early
      • Probably late, after Fiend 9 or 11, leaning toward 11
    • Can also alter spell list:
      • Arms of Hadar -> Tasha's Hideous Laughter
      • Calm Emotions -> Tasha's Mind Whip
  • L2: Warlock: Fiend
  • L3: Invocations:
    • Agonizing Blast
    • Repelling Blast
    • Investment of the Chain Master
    • Devil's Sight
    • Eldritch Mind
    • Mask of Many Faces
    • Misty Visions
  • L4: Pact of the Chain for an imp familiar
  • L5: +2 CHA
  • Feats:
    • Inspiring Leader: negative synergy with fiend feature, but still good
    • Moderately Armored: Doesn't fit the vibe
    • Eldritch Adept: Will never get enough invocations
    • Metamagic Adept: Nice to expand metamagic with only 3 levels of sorc
    • Actor: Pairs very well with Mask of Many Faces