
DnD Beyond

Changeling Soulknife Rogue (Sailor, CN, 19)


Race Changeling
Class Soulknife Rogue
Background Sailor
Alignment CN
Age 19

Quinn Heatherberry grew up to halfling parents in Goldshore. Both their parents worked in the shipyards as artisans. It was a hard life, without many luxuries, but never any true hardship. Quinn was always curious and outgoing, getting along well with most people.

Quinn has always had powers that they couldn't explain. It started as being able to hear conversations from another room, then moving small objects with their mind. When Quinn was around 12 years old, they realized that even their physical appearance was malleable by using nothing but a thought.

When Quinn revealed their powers to their parents, they did not take it well, and forbade Quinn from speaking to others about it. Quinn turned inward and became more and more closed off from the surrounding community.

At 16, Quinn had had enough and left home, leaving their family and last name behind. In the guise of a young human boy, Quinn boarded the Silver Eagle, a trading ship, and worked as a sailor's mate, climbing the rigging and tying knots. Quinn had a knack for learning the sailor's trade, and was quickly accepted by the crew. While staying in ports, Quinn developed several personas that they could switch between at will. As 'Vanessa', a human female form, they had their first romance, with a sailor boy from a bar in Solstice.

In Alyn Iunaes, Quinn adopted the form of 'Zacharias', a half-elf male, and cleared the pockets of every gambler in the tavern, with liberal use of their powers to gain the upper hand. One of the now considerably poorer patrons became quite irate, and a fight broke out. This was the moment that Quinn realized that their mental powers could also harm others, and with a single slice through the air, the man fell down unconscious. Chased by a mob of the man's friends, Quinn just barely managed to escape after assuming a different form behind a tree.

After a few years travelling on the Estian sea, Quinn had enough of the life at sea, and jumped ship in Covenant. As they walked the city, Quinn happened upon the Buckliss Theatre, where a play was about to start. Sneaking in wasn't hard, and Quinn found a seat in the back where no one looked at them. The play itself, 'The Lady of Cheese', was unremarkable, but Quinn fell in love with the theater and knew they wanted to be a part of it. Over the next weeks, Quinn snuck in again several times.

Eventually, Quinn spotted a notice for an open audition for a part in an upcoming play. Using their powers, Quinn adopted the gnomish persona of Antonio, who matched the description the theater was looking for perfectly. In this form, and using what they had learned from watching the actors on stage, Quinn was able to get the role.

For the next eight months, Quinn worked for Alexandra Ashridge in her new play, 'Much Ado About Loathing', where 'Antonio' played Themis, a foil to the main character who dies in a duel halfway through the last act. Quinn stayed with the Buckliss company for a year and a half, learning the actor's trade in several plays - Antonio became rather well-known among the cultured people of Covenant.

During their time at the theater, Quinn honed their powers, always wondering what their source was. Quinn had seen magic performed, and heard stories of powerful magicians, but neither what they had seen or heard matched what they could do. Again deciding to uproot their life and head off into the unknown, Quinn is now looking for an avenue of research into the source of their powers.


Quinn has a myriad of different identities that they change between regularly. The form they most often take is that of a young, somewhat androgynous, halfling girl with brown hair.

Quinn dresses in a sailor's shirt and pants with a light leather breastplate. They carry no weapons, as their mind is all they need.


While Quinn adopts many forms only once or twice, some are returned to many times, almost developing into a whole new persona.


(human female): attractive with blonde hair


(half-elf male): middle-aged with salt-and-pepper hair and goatee


(gnome male): dark-haired gnome

Quinn's shapechanging powers does not let them become other people well enough to fool someone at close range, but can match the general characteristics of a person they have seen.


Ever since their days at sea, Quinn worships Aegir, the god of the sea. Not only does he protect sailors like Quinn, his domain is as changing and fluid as Quinn's appearance.


  • I can talk my way out of most situations, and if I can't, I can also run really fast
  • I never pass up a friendly wager


  • Freedom: I want to be as free as the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea (Chaotic)


  • I want to know the origin of my powers
  • I want to have a family I can trust


  • If I see something I want, I don't care who owns it
  • As long as I don't see any consequences of my actions, I don't care who does

  • Feats
    • Actor: Level 1 feat
    • Lucky
    • Mobile
    • Quandrix Initiate: magehand/guidance/find familiar
    • Inspiring Leader
    • Skill Expert: acrobatics/sleightofhand, perception exp, +1dex
    • Fighting Initiate: dueling/thrown/blind
    • Eldritch Adept: devilsight (req a nice DM)
    • Sentinel: probably not going to be in melee much
  • Magic items wishlist:
  • Possible multiclassing
    • Probably not until after level 9 or 11
    • Warlock 2
      • Invocations: Devils Sight + Mask of Many Faces
      • Subclass: Hexblade? Genie? Undead? GOO?
        • Could make a pact with whatever granted their powers?
    • Bard 3
      • Lore for skills? Probably not worth it
      • Eloquence for mega deception?
    • Sorc 1
      • DSS is always nice, could pick up a bunch of cantrips, but weak flavor
      • Shadow magic: darkvision
      • Draconic: 13+dex ac
      • Weaveborn : Adv vs spells
    • Fighter 3
      • Action Surge + Fighting Style (thrown/dueling/blind)
      • Psi Knight? Battlemaster?