Sigyn Spiritspear

DnD Beyond

Kalashtar Way of the Astral Self Monk (Acolyte, LN, 20)

Skyrja's true form

Sigyn Spiritspear

Race Kalashtar
Class Way of the Astral Self Monk
Background Acolyte
Alignment LN
Age 20

Skyrja, come to my aid! Together, we will send these fiends to Hel!

I hope you will find peace in the afterlife.

Sigyn was left at the doorstep of the Temple of Freya in Covenant as a newborn baby. At the orphanage, she helped the Charitors of the Pilgrim Knights provide for the poor of the city and conduct minor religious ceremonies.

Like many Kalashtar, Sigyn grew up thinking she was an ordinary human girl. However, in her early teenage years, she began seeing visions of battlefields in her dreams, and the valkyrie spirit that had laid dormant in her mind revealed itself as Skyrja - once a harbinger of Odin who carried the dead to the afterlife in Asgard. Neither Skyrja nor Sigyn knows why their spirits are joined, but they both intend to find out.

While Sigyn is awake, she perceives Skyrja as a presence in her mind that imparts emotions and feelings. When Sigyn sleeps, she hears her voice and sees flashes of Skyrja's previous memories. Sigyn did not tell anyone about Skyrja, knowing that such a phenomenon would not be welcomed at the orphanage. Even Jasmine Windley, her best friend throughout her childhood, does not know - she could be quite the tattle-tale.

Sigyn was 18 years old the first time Skyrja was able to manifest herself around Sigyn. Sigyn was walking along a dark alley near Unity Square when a drunken man tried to take advantage of the lonely unarmed girl. Trying to defend herself, somehow Sigyn's arms directed a ghostly image of Skyrja's spear into the heart of her assailant, killing him. As the man lay dying, Skyrja's voice, suddenly clearer than ever, instructed the panicked Sigyn to give him the proper funeral rites before running away, so that the man's spirit might find its way to the afterlife.

After this incident, Skyrja started training Sigyn to be a warrior, quickly realizing that her lithe physique was well-suited for unarmed combat. Her favorite move is to pin an opponent to the ground with her spectral weapons, before unleashing a barrage of attacks.

Skyrja also taught Sigyn the code and traditions of a valkyrie, and Sigyn follows them closely. Through further meditation and training, Sigyn and Skyrja are now able to fight as a single unit on the battlefield. They have taken the last name of Spiritspear, although she rarely uses it.

Together, they left Covenant for an adventuring life - seeking answers about their past, and future. Sigyn's next move is to find a powerful cleric of Odin, who might know more about this condition.


While she might look meek, Sigyn has a surprising amount of street smarts - gained from having to fend for herself from an early age. While she was raised by the Pilgrim Knights, she now directs her prayers to Odin alone.


  • I do not mind people perceiving me as weak or helpless - it might give me an edge later.
  • I prefer the company of Skyrja to that of others.


  • Tradition: The old ways are the best, even if we do not fully understand them. (Neutral)
  • Honor: Only by showing others respect can we hope to earn any of our own. (Lawful)


  • I want to learn where I come from, and the origin of my powers.


  • I will not leave a battlefield without giving the fallen the rites they need to reach the afterlife.


Sigyn has blonde hair that she keeps in a tight braided knot. She carries no weapons or armor, only wearing a simple robe of white and blue. However, Sigyn shares her body with the spirit of Skyrja, a valkyrie, who can partially unleash herself to fight alongside Sigyn.

  • Arms of the Astral Self: a pair of arms wielding an ornate spear and a round shield that Sigyn can direct with her punches.
  • Visage of the Astral Self: a shimmering winged open-face helmet appears on her, and her natural beauty becomes amplified, and her voice changes to that of the valkyrie
  • Body of the Astral Self: the rest of the valkyrie's armor appears around Sigyn
  • Awakened Astral Self: Sigyn fully appears as a valkyrie as angelic wings sprout from her back

  • Personality
    • More voicelines
    • Warhorn
    • Maybe Skyrja is more thoughts and images than a voice
      • She would probably know more than a +2 in Religion, being an angel and all
  • Race:
    • Kalashtar
      • Spirit connection
      • Present as human
      • No darkvision makes the l6 feature cooler
      • Very strong Wisdom saves
      • Telepathy is not very thematic, and somewhat superseded by the l6 monk feature
    • Aasimar (Protector)
      • Angelic connection
      • Can double-transform w/ action+ba for flight
        • l6: 2x strikes for 1d6+5 vs 6 dmg extra per round => equal after 3 rounds
      • Better resistances, possibly
    • Human
      • Would rely on pure RP for the spirit
      • Skills
      • Culture?
        • Maritime? No
        • Martial? No
        • Agrarian? Possibly
        • Mystical? Yes, Guidance would be a great fit
        • Nomadic? Possibly
      • 1/1/1 stats
        • 8/16/16/8/16/8 start
        • could take a full feat at l1
          • Mobile? Reach makes it less useful, but far from bad
          • Fighting Initiate? Switch to Blindsight at 8, but have Devil's Sight from 6.
  • Feats:
    • Probably only 1-2 of these, since we want 20 wis and dex
    • Crusher
      • Only if the DM allows the push effect with the force arms.
      • Especially if we pick a +2/+1 race and have 15 con.
    • Mobile
      • Less good with reach, but still excellent to disengage
    • Skill Expert
    • Observant
      • Boring but +1 wisdom with decent out-of-combat utility
    • Elven Accuracy
      • Would have to change race
      • Where to get advantage from? Stunning Strike? Grappling!
      • Pairs very well with Crusher
    • Sentinel
      • 5 feet restriction is annoying
  • Magic Items:
  • Multiclassing:
    • Very costly to lose out on Ki points
    • Echo Knight? Too expensive
      • Action surge
    • Cleric? One level might be bearable
      • Guidance, healing word
      • Grave? Knowledge? Twilight? War?