Rebecca Brightberry


Rebecca Brightberry

Race Agrarian Human
Class Alchemist Wizard
Background Sage
Alignment NG
Age 25

Rebecca Brightberry is an Alchemist Wizard from Owl Rock. Her tressym familiar is named Furball, and usually takes a form akin to a brown tabby cat.

Rebecca's first memory is in her mother's garden, smelling different flowers. She loves everything that grows, and becoming an alchemist was almost a foregone conclusion, especially when she showed some magical aptitude, almost lighting the outhouse on fire with a cantrip.

At 16, Rebecca started as an apprentice under Jasmine Applebloom, a herbalist in Westford, who taught her the basics of potionmaking. She would go into the nearby forests to gather plants and mushrooms, identifying which ones were simply fragrant, which ones were poisonous, and which ones had healing properties. Often, those properties would overlap, and different preparations were required to get the desired effect.

At 19, Rebecca had saved enough gold (along with a generous loan by her parents) to go to Covenant and study alchemy at the Scriptorium under Master Nautilus. It quickly became clear that what Jasmine had taught her were only the very basics. During her three years of study under Master Nautilus, she learned to brew all sorts of potions, starting to fill a recipe book of her own.

During a field expedition to study the flora in the United Archipelago, Rebecca stumbled upon a wild tressym on one of the islands. The tressym was injured, and Rebecca managed to nurture it back to health with an ointment of hyssop and moonmint fronds. Once healthy, the tressym agreed to serve as her familiar. She named it Furball, after the cat she had when she was growing up.

  • Inciting incident
  • Quest


Rebecca is more outgoing than some of her wizard friends, although she has a tendency to be a little blunt. She is studious and can easily spend several hours reading dense alchemical compendiums.

Her recipe book is a small leather-bound field journal, in which she writes in a minute, yet tidy, hand. The book contains recipes and detailed botanical drawings of flora and fungi. She carries the book whereever she goes, often putting flowers she finds between the pages as bookmarks.


  • I love nature and everything that grows. Equally, I hate those who despoil its glory.
  • I lack tact and finesse when talking to others.


  • Harvest: Nature provides, and we graciously accept its bounties, but only as much as we need. (Good)



  • I can be distracted by a neat flower for hours.


Rebecca has auburn hair which she keeps short. She usually wears a simple shirt and dress, combined with sturdy boots for walking in the forest. She carries several pouches on her belt, where she keeps her recipe book, brewed potions and various other ingredients. Around her neck she wears a simple necklace with a symbol of Idun.

  • Feats:
    • 1: Res: Con
    • 4: +2 Int
    • Telekinetic & Fey Touched? +2 Int & Warcaster?
  • Common: Enduring Spellbook
  • Uncommon: Robe of Useful Items
  • Knows Hypnotic Pattern
  • Spell descriptions:
    • Cantrips are mostly "normal" magic - she is a wizard after all
    • Mage Armor: grey skin-hardening elixir containing steel flakes
    • Absorb Elements: magic
    • Healing Word: a bright purple, fragrant tonic of feverbush bark and jasmine
    • Dissonant Whispers: a testtube of foul-smelling black liquid
    • Web: bright white elephant toothpaste reaction
    • Invisibility: a single clear drop of dilute phase spider venom on top of the head using a pipette
    • Melf's Acid Arrow: large beaker of green acid hurled telekinetically
    • Spider Climb: goo-like brownish glue applied to the boots
    • Fireball: a dark grey paste of bat guano, sulphur, and charcoal that is thrown like a snowball and ignited with a firebolt
    • Counterspell: sucks the magic into a vial of neutralizing salts
    • Haste: decoction of poppy sap and sanguine milkcap
    • Hypnotic Pattern: a tightly packed parchment cylinder of hydrium salts soaked in oil of brick, topped with a contact fuse of fulminating silver