The Feywild

The Feywild, or Alfheim is a plane of eternal twilight which can be described with two words: beautiful and dangerous. Here, time has little meaning and the land exists in a constant balance of crepuscular doldrums.

The inhabitants of the Feywild are a strange bunch, capable of going from whimsical laughter to drawn swords in a heartbeat. It is ill advised to accept a deal or bargain from any creature in the Feywild, unless the terms are thoroughly understood.

There are no large bodies of water on the Feywild. Instead, massive plains of grass divide the forests. These lush savannahs are home to as many creatures as the forest islands that they surround.

Getting to the Feywild

Where the veil between the worlds is thin, one can simply pass through and find oneself in another place altogether. The connection is at its strongest in places of untouched natural beauty. Feywild crossings are often whimsical, rarely perilous, and seldom logical.

1Deep in a lush forest, a lonely water basin with a perpetual maelstrom fed by a waterfall. There is no telling where creatures end up if they dive into the maelstrom.
2A lonely stone arch covered with roses stands on a pebble beach that is strewn with seashells. When the roses are in bloom, passing through the arch transports you to somewhere entirely different.
3Six cairns of strange rocks sit in a circle halfway up a tall mountain. If you spend a night sleeping between the cairns, the mountain becomes a molehill when you wake up in the Feywild.
4A mushroom faerie circle in the jungle where each mushroom has spots in the shape of a rune. Eating a mushroom makes you fall unconscious for one minute, and you wake up in the Feywild garden of a dryad.
5In a barn, there is a strange crack between the planks that does not appear on the other side of the wall. A small creature could squeeze through, ending up in the roost of a Giant Goose in a Hill Giant's fey castle.
6A circle of standing stones on a windswept plain. During each solstice and equinox, the sun lines up perfectly with the stones, and one simply has to ask the stones nicely to go anywhere in the Feywild.

The City of Ancalos

Ancalos is a haven for Sylvanites, the races that descend from the great spirits.

The Sylvan Council

The city is ruled by a six-member council, one from each Sylvanite race. The members take one-year turns as the tie-breaking vote. The current members are:


(caniore, LE): The caniore member is determined in gladiatorial games, and Sumetor won the position from his predecessor. Any caniore could challenge him for his position, but none have done so thus far.

Peregrina Skysoar

(aquilon, LN): The aquilon member is elected by the heads of the aquilon noble houses, which by tradition has meant the scion of the most senior house. Peregrina is the daughter and heiress to the House Skysoar.

Catilie Goldstripe

(tabaxi, CG): Current tie-breaker. The tabaxi seat is the only inherited position on the council, having passed down in the Goldstripe family of tiger-like tabaxi as far back as records go.


(ursinian, TN): The ursinian member is simply the oldest ursinian who lives in the city. Ming is an ancient pandakin who prefers to leave matters to their own resolution unless absolutely necessary.


(siminid, LG): The siminid member is the head of Heimdall's Hall, the siminid-only artisan guild who make some of the highest quality items across the planes.


(faunkin, CG): All adult faunkin can vote for their councilmember, who is elected after lively debates. Prongs is a deer-like faunkin with a silver tongue.

Tel Tanafae

The Court of Seasons rule from the city of Tel Tanafae ('City of the Archfey') in the Feywild. It is the oldest known elven city across all the planes of the world. The relations between the elves and the Sylvanites is tense - the Eladrin think they are above the Sylvanites, which the Sylvanites obviously resent. Despite this, the two folks live side by side in each others cities, and most seem to get along fine.

The Court of Seasons

Tel Tanafae, and all of elvendom in the Feywild, are ruled by a family of four ancient Archfey. The council consists of Oberon the Summer-King, foremost among equals, and his wife Titania, who holds the title of Queen of Winter, as well as their children Prince Timonar and Princess Malvie. The court is rarely involved in day-to-day matters of the city, but their presence is never-the-less felt across the Feywild.

Oberon, King of Summer

A mighty warrior and noble leader, King Oberon is Summer personified. He can be quick to anger, but his worst tendencies are assuaged by his wife, whom he loves deeply.

Malvie, Princess of Autumn

Princess Malvie is the most likely of the court's members to speak for the common folk. She loves all her subjects, and grants them her blessings whenever she passes through their lands.

Titania, Queen of Winter

Sorrowful and contemplative, the Queen of Winter is the wisest member of the court.

Timonar, Prince of Spring

Ever playful, Timonar is the source of endless mischief.