The Plane of Air

The center of the Plane of Air is a collection of islands, floating on clouds in an endless sky. The largest island, Aetheria, is the seat of the Emperor Yan-C-Bin, who rules over a myriad of princes and nobles, all vying for power in an intricate game of favors and counter-favors. All beings who make this plane their home must know their place in society, or risk offending those with power.

A giant thunderstorm encircles the plane of air. It is the source of many dangerous lightning elementals and other dangers, who sometimes comes close to the floating islands near the center. If you fall off the islands, if you are not caught in the magical winds that howl throughout the plane, you eventually end up in either the great ocean of the Elemental Plane of Water after falling through the freezing reaches of Frostfell, where air and water meet, or you fall into the black sands of the Fire Plane, after passing a great firestorm at the border of the planes.


The emperor Yan-C-Bin is not as powerful as one might expect, as most of his political clout is tied up in making sure he stays emperor. If the elector-princes are unhappy, they could replace him. Yan-C-Bin sends his servants to find magical artifacts which he gifts to electors in order to keep them in line. If a pretender showed up with richer gifts, why would the electors keep the current emperor around?

Portals to the Skyfarheim

All thunderstorms carries some of the power of Air, and a powerful one probably contains a rift across the Bifrost to the Plane of Air. Adventurers from the Material Plane had better come prepared though, as where they end up probably does not have solid ground.