The Plane of Fire

The Elemental Plane of Fire, or Muspelheim, is a hot desert of black sand dunes, lava rivers, and volcanoes. The warmongering leaders of the fire plane raid other planes for slaves and glory.

City of Igneum

The city at the center of the plane. Ruled by Surtr, the Pharaoh of Fire, a primordial Fire Giant who commands armies of giants and efreeti. Azer slaves are plentiful, as are slaves and servants of other conquered races.

A river of lava flows through the city, providing heat to furnaces and other industries. Fire giants make up the ruling class, bolstered by efreeti soldiers and slave-drivers.

Palace of the Pharaoh

The great pyramid palace is covered in shining black stones. The surrounding complex has many buildings decorated with arches and domes. Several thin spires poke at the dark sky, but none higher than the peak of the palace itself.

Surtr receives audiences in a large throne chamber at the center of the pyramid, lit by flowing lava. He stands over twenty feet tall and wears a robe of rich crimson. On his completely bald head is an open helmet of obsidian, set with bars of ruby. This headdress is the foremost crown jewel of his royal house. He wields a crook scepter, wrapped with black leather.

Odin has foreseen that Surtr will invade Midgard at the time of Ragnarok, when the planes will intersect and the gods will do battle on the mortal plane.

Portals to the Plane of Fire

A volcanoes or hot springs might contain a permanent portal to the fire plane. A temporary portal could be either the result of, or cause of a forest fire.