The Estian Bulletin
Noble Survives Assassination
COVENANT The Inner Tier of Covenant was the site of a violent attack on the house of Lord Richard Ashworth, who is reported to be unhurt. Lord Richard, previously of Whitport, declined to comment.
Several eyewitnesses to the attack report seeing several hulking creatures slain as they climbed the walls of the house, with the fight then spilling into the surrounding streets.
The motives of the assailants, who were slain in the attacks, are as of yet unclear. It is also unknown if this is related to last month's attacks, but the attack appears to have several similarities. Cont. p. 2-3.
Arena Spectacular
The Greystone Arena will put on an open-entry gladiatorial tournament next month. The winner will earn 5000gp, as well as the undying admiration of the crowd. Co p5
FTC leadership defiant
The leadership of the Frontier Trading Company in Greystone yesterday refused a demand for better working conditions for their dockworkers. This was a result of an accident killed two workers last week. Cont. on page 6.
Stock Market Dips
Lady Treasurer Beckett recently reported to the Council that the average price of stocks is down considerably. This is driven by the general security situation, as well as the current shortage of alchemical ingredients.
Exhibition Opens Today
The Rogue's Gallery in Covenant is hosting a grand opening of their new art collection, dedicated to the late Lady Lucina Cornelius. Our critic has been given a private viewing, and reports her favorites on p3.
Want to get rich?
This weekend the Covenant Grand Prix will take place at the Oakhead Downs Racetrack. Will Stormfoot defend his title, or will a new champion be crowned? Don't miss out!