The Obsidian Synod

There are no secrets to us now. We dared eternity and won. We unveiled the cosmos so that we could set the firmament alight.

This collective of four long-dead wizards convened to protect a magical secret uncovered by their research. They each created a trial somewhere across the Estian Islands, each holding part of the secret knowledge. A worthy successor could attempt to walk the path the Synod laid and learn their enigmatic magic.

The Synod congregated in 1143 AUC, and the last surviving member (Caelestra) died in 1253 AUC.


Cressida Silverthorn

(human, LN): Also called "The First Chronurgist", Cressida was the leader of the Obsidian Synod. She was born to simple farmers, but through her brilliant mind became one of the most powerful witches of her age, delving deeper into the secrets of time-magic than anyone before her. She married her first apprentice, Bartholomew.

Caelestra Runodel

(eladrin, LE)

  • The Daughter of the Cosmos
  • Spellsword Graviturgist who fought with enchanted flying swords
  • Caelestra's Armrings : Graviturgic control and damage
Bartholomew Silverthorn

(human, LG)

  • Conjurer Graviturgist who used magic to shape sand to fight for him
  • Married to Cressida
  • Bartholomew's Scapular : Graviturgic defenses
Wilrick Whitegazer

(gnome, NG)

  • Diviner Chronurgist
  • Blind from birth
  • Wilrick's Pointed Hat : Enhances non-sight senses, but diminishes sight


During Cressida's studies she discovered Dunamancy, a form of magic that deals with time and space and the warping of reality. By harnessing this power, she became a very powerful witch. Cressida only taught her secrets to three other wizards, and together they formed the Obsidian Synod. As time passed, they came to the conclusion that the dunamantic magic was both too dangerous to teach openly, and too important to be forgotten.

Thus, each member of the Synod created a trial that protects the secrets from those who are not worthy to possess it. The trials have laid dormant for almost 600 years.