Dirty Fighting

Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 or higher

Fair has never won a fight. You prefer a nimble weapon, and have trained enough to utilize them more effectively. You gain the following benefits when you use Finesse weapons:

  • Dagger: The damage die increases to a d6 and attacks with daggers deal a critical hit on a 19.
  • Shortsword: When you hit an enemy with a shortsword, your subsequent attacks on that turn against the same target deals additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • Scimitar: After attacking with a scimitar, your movement speed increases by 10 feet for that turn.
  • Rapier: If there are no hostile creatures within your reach, creatures provoke opportunity attacks when they enter your reach.
  • Whip: The damage die increases to a d6. When you make a Grapple or Shove attack with a whip, you can make an Acrobatics check instead of an Athletics check. You cannot attack with a whip while you use it to grapple a creature. When you release a grapple using a whip you can use a bonus action to attempt to pull the target to the ground, forcing them to succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC equals 8 + prof + your Dexterity modifier) or fall Prone.
  • Net: You suffer no disadvantage when attacking with a net in melee or from long range. Attacking with a net no longer consumes your entire Attack action. The escape DC and AC of your nets increases to 8+prof+dex, their HP becomes 5*prof and you can mend a broken net as part of a short rest.