Astral Habit of Clarity

Wondrous item (raiment), paragon (requires attunement by an Astral Self Monk)

This garment serves as an anchor for your Astral Self. The flowing multi-layered robe includes a hood or veil, and is decorated with small stars of opal.


  • When you attack with your Arms of the Astral Self, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
  • You gain an additional pool of Ki points equal to your Wisdom modifier, which recharge when you finish a long rest.
  • You can add your Wisdom modifier to the initial burst of damage dealt by your Arms of the Astral Self, and creatures that make their save takes half damage from it.


  • The bonus to attack and damage rolls for your Arms of the Astral Self increases to +2.
  • Your additional Ki points now recharges when you finish a short rest.
  • While your Visage of the Astral Self is active the saving throw for your Stunning Strike becomes a Wisdom saving throw, as you can exploit weaknesses in your opponents souls instead of their bodies.


  • The bonus to attack and damage rolls for your Arms of the Astral Self increases to +3.
  • While your Body of the Astral Self is active, you gain resistance to all damage types except Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing, but can no longer use the Deflect Energy reaction.