Atarothen, the Dragonstaff

Focus (staff), paragon artifact (requires attunement)

Atarothen, 'The Dragon-Staff'.

This staff's head is a large, ornately sculpted carving of a red dragon's head. Its eyes glow red and its mouth is open as if it was about to breath fire. It is infused with a sliver of the essence of Igrites the Ever-burning, the primordial red dragon birthed by Skadi herself. The staff was made during the final years of the first Dragon War, many thousands of years ago, as a last-ditch effort by the Chromatic dragons to revive Igrites who had fallen to the Metallic dragons. The power of the essence has faded over the eons, but its wielder slowly becomes more like a dragon as they grow close to the staff, infusing some of Igrites' remaining essence in themselves.



The staff's essence has not mingled with the wielder. It is still a fearsome weapon, but its true powers are not unleashed.

  • The staff can we wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. While holding it, you also gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls.
  • Breath Weapon: Once per short rest, you can use your action to make the staff breath fire in a 60 foot cone. All creatures in the area must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure they take 8d6 fire damage, or half as much damage on a successful one.
  • You gain resistance to fire damage.
  • You learn to speak, read, and write Draconic.


The staff and its wielder start to become alike as their essences blend. The staff enhances the wielders greed, ruthlessness, and malevolence.

  • The staff's bonus to attack, damage, and spell attack rolls increases to +2.
  • Attacks with the staff deals an extra 1d6 of fire damage (1d8 if it is wielded with two hands), as the draconic head releases a puff of fire on impact.
  • The damage of the staff's Breath Weapon increases to 10d6 and the save DC increases to 17.
  • Your skin hardens with small scales. When not wearing armor, your AC becomes 15 + your Dexterity modifier.
  • You have advantage on all Charisma ability checks made to interact with dragons.
  • Your alignment moves one step towards evil. For example, if you were Lawful Neutral, you become Lawful Evil. If you were already evil, it moves one step towards chaotic.


The essence of Igrites suffuses through the wielder, whose physique has taken on some draconic features, such as pointed fangs and visible scales. The essence can also be unleashed completely, transforming the wielder into a red dragon.

  • The staff's bonus to attack, damage, and spell attack rolls increases to +3.
  • The extra fire damage on a hit increases to 2d6 (2d8 if it is wielded with both hands).
  • The damage of the staff's Breath Weapon increases to 12d6 and the save DC increases to 18.
  • You can transform into a red dragon at will as an action. When in that form you gain the following effects:
    • Your size becomes Large and you gain a 90 foot flying speed.
    • You gain 30 ft of Blindsight and 120ft of darkvision. If you have better senses in your normal form, you keep those instead.
    • You cannot attack with weapons. Instead you gain a Bite natural weapon. It counts as a simple melee weapon with which you are proficient and uses Strength for attack and damage. It deals 2d8 piercing damage and 2d8 fire damage and has the Reach property. You can apply the staff's bonus to attack and damage rolls when using it. When you take the attack action, you can attack twice with it, even if you do not have the Extra Attack feature.
    • You gain immunity to fire damage.
    • You can still use the staff's Breath Weapon, but you breathe the fire instead.
    • All other statistics and features carry over from your normal form, including your hit points.
    • You can use a Bonus Action to revert to your normal form. If you fall to 0 hit points, you revert to your normal form automatically.
  • Your alignment moves one step towards chaotic. For example, if you were Lawful Evil, you become Neutral Evil. If you were already chaotic, it moves one step towards evil.

Destroying the Staff: The staff contains the essence of one of the most evil beings to ever walk the material plane. If it is simultaneously breathed on by five ancient metallic dragons of different kinds, the staff shatters and Igrites' essence is forever ejected into the void.