Berserker Brew

Consumable (potion), uncommon

This potion made from poisonous mushrooms turns the drinker a mindless killing machine for the duration. Overconsumption is a very bad idea, and can lead to the effect becoming permanent. It appears as a sludgy green mass, more eaten than drunk. Orc shamans have been known to administer this potion to orc raiders to inspire ferocity.

When you drink this potion, you fall into a fugue state that lets you shrug off most blows. You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, but you cannot cast or concentrate on spells. You also become immune to charm and frighten effects. The potion lasts for 1 minute. When the effect ends, you must make a DC 15 Constitution save against poison. On a failure, you are stunned until the start of your next turn, as you painfully squirm and retch.