Black Opal Conduit

Jewelry (ring), paragon (requires attunement by a Soulknife Rogue)

This ring consists of a single crystal of black opal. Blue, purple, and teal specks of light can be seen in the crystal. The ring seethes with psionic energy, and seems to enhances the wearers control over their powers. When the ring's powers are used, it glows bright blue.

It once belonged to Rowan Hillsong, a psionic vampire hunter of the Order of the Glowcorn, who used it to great effect against his enemies.


  • You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with your Psychic Blades.
  • You recover an extra Psionic Energy die when you finish a short rest, and all creatures under the influence of your Psychic Whispers can now communicate with each other, if you choose to allow it.
  • Psionic Trap: As a bonus action, you can spend one Psionic Energy die to slow your enemies. Choose a point within 60 feet. All creatures, other than you, within 5 feet of this point must make an Intelligence saving throw (the DC equals 8 + your proficiency + your Dexterity modifier) or have their movement speed halved until the end of your next turn. If you hit a creature that is slowed by the trap with a Psychic Blade, you can trigger your Sneak Attack (you cannot have disadvantage on your attack, and all other rules of Sneak Attack still apply).

Upgrade: Infuse the ring with very rare psionic and chaotic essences, and a casting of Synaptic Static.


  • Your Psychic Blades now deal damage equal to your Psionic Energy dice.
  • You gain resistance to Psychic damage.
  • Creatures affected by your Psionic Trap cannot take reactions.

Upgrade: Further infuse the ring with legendary psionic and lawful essences, and a casting of Feeblemind.


  • The bonus to your Psychic Blades increases to +2.
  • You can make your off-hand Psychic Blade attack as part of the same Attack action as the first attack.
  • When attacking with a Psychic Blade while hidden by your Psychic Veil, your Sneak Attack dice grows to the size of your Psionic Energy dice for that attack.