Enigmatic Vault

Wondrous item, very rare

This chest of polished red granite has different contents for every creature who opens it, providing private storage. Its walls and lid are over a foot thick, yet the mechanism only requires a light touch to operate. A brass plate with the impression of a handprint is set in the lid.

As an action, you can access your vault by placing your hand on the lid and speaking your true name. This opens your private vault. The inside of the vault measures 3x2x2 feet. Until a creature uses their action to close the vault, anyone can see and interact with the contents of your vault.

While the vault is open, you can perform a one-minute ritual to designate one other person to also be able to access your vault. That person's vault must be empty in order for this to work, and you can only have one other person who can access your vault. If you have been dead for one year and a day, the person you designate becomes the owner of the vault, and they can designate someone of their own. If you die without having designated anyone, the contents of your vault become inaccessible.

It is also possible to impersonate a different creature to access the contents of their vault by speaking their name instead. This must be done with absolute confidence in order to fool the vault. When you attempt to do so, you need to succeed on a DC 30 Deception check. On a success, that creature's vault opens. On a failure, you cannot access any vault, including your own, for 24 hours. By increasing your connection to the creature, it becomes easier to fool the vault, modifying the check.

ConnectionCheck Modifier
Disguised as the creatureAdvantage
Possession or garment of the creature-2
Body part, lock of hair, vial of blood, or the like from the creature-5