Hallowed Scepter of Freya

Focus (rod), paragon (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This scepter, dedicated to the goddess Freya, is made from gold and its sun-shaped tip has eight amber-and-pearl encrusted golden rays that surround a brilliant luxite gem. This relic is a treasured possession of the Pilgrim Knights and is carried by their high priestesses during important rituals, especially during the celebration of the summer solstice.


  • You gain a +1 bonus to spell attacks while holding this wand, which acts as a holy symbol.
  • You can cast Guiding Bolt at will, at a level equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • You can use a bonus action to cause the gem at the end of the scepter to illuminate, shining bright light in a sphere for up to 30 feet, and dim light for the same radius beyond that. This light is sunlight. You can extinguish the light using a bonus action. While the scepter is lit, any magical darkness of 2nd level or lower is suppressed in the bright light.


  • The wand's bonus to spell attacks increases to +2.
  • Once per day, you can cast the Crusader's Mantle spell.
  • The maximum radius of the light is increased to 60 feet, and it suppresses magical darkness up to 5th level. Upon first entering the light, shapechangers must make a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC or revert to their original form. On a successful save, a creature is immune to the effect for 24 hours.


  • The wand's bonus to spell attacks increases to +3, and your spell save DC increases by 1.
  • Once per day, you can cast the Summon Celestial spell.
  • The maximum radius of the light is increased to 120 feet, and it suppresses magical darkness up to 8th level. While in the bright light from the scepter, shapechangers, undead, and fiends have disadvantage on attack rolls.