Inscribed Bo Staff

Weapon (quarterstaff), paragon (requires attunement by a Monk)

Fighting staves like these are crafted by young monks following the Way of the Runes as part of their initiation rituals. One of few possessions allowed by the ascetic order, the staff is used as a meditation focus, and monks come to learn every subtle twist and knot of their particular staff. As they progress in their monk training, they inscribe their staff with runes that representing aspects of their training they have mastered. With enough training and meditation, their mastery with the weapon deepens, and new techniques are unlocked.


  • You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this staff.
  • When you use the bonus action attack from Martial Arts, you can spend 1 Ki point and gain the benefits of Patient Defense or Step of the Wind using the same bonus action.
  • You learn the Guidance cantrip, and can cast it at will.


  • The staff's bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +2.
  • After dealing a critical hit with this weapon, your abilities cost no Ki until the end of your turn.
  • Once per long rest, you can meditate and replicate the Augury spell as you recall previous insights.


  • Attacks with this staff deal a critical hit on a 19.
  • While you wield the staff, you can use your Deflect Missiles to deflect melee weapon attacks as well. If you reduce the damage of the attack to 0, you can spend 1 Ki point to make an attack with this staff against the attacker.
  • Once per long rest, you can meditate and replicate the Divination spell as you come to new insights.