Justicar's Veil

Jewelry (crown), legendary (requires attunement by a Way of the Sun Soul Monk)
Justicar's Veil

Held up by a golden tiara with spikes symbolizing the sun's rays, this translucent white glimmersilk veil is worn by the highest ranking Sun Soul monk during dawn ceremonies and when they sit in judgment of an accused criminal. It represents the indiscriminate justice of the sun, where all are equal and no heed is given to prior actions before judgment is passed. The emblem of the Pilgrim Knights is embroidered in front of the wearers face.

The veil magically conceals the wearers face and voice. While you wear the veil, you are the Justicar of the Eternal Flame, regardless of your other identities. People who met you while you wore the veil will not recognize you without it and vice versa, nor can they differentiate between multiple wearers on different occasions. Truesight, or the Mind Blank spell can defeat this magic. However, the veil will not stand for being used for evil, and this magic will stop working if the actions taken by the Justicar is not in service of Freya.

While you are attuned to the veil, you have Truesight to a range of 60 feet and can read all written languages. You also have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks to determine if a creature is telling the truth. You can also cast the Zone of Truth, Detect Thoughts, and Scrying spells once each per long rest. You do not need to provide material components for these spells.

Finally, you are under the permanent effects of a Sanctuary spell, but it is only effective against Undeads, Shapechangers, and creatures with Sunlight Sensitivity.