Master's Treatise

Wondrous item (book), rare (requires attunement)

This book contains all the knowledge needed to properly apply a skill, carefully gathered and written down by someone with a true grasp of the subject. The words within the treatise is charged with magic, which helps the reader understand and use the knowledge within. If you spend 40 hours (one workweek) studying the text, you gain proficiency in the skill that the book is about. Once you do this, the book loses its magic, but regains it in 10 years.


  • Athletics: Get Ripped in Two Weeks, a grueling training plan and diet regiment
  • Acrobatics:
  • Stealth:
  • Sleight of Hand: The Lifter's Guide
  • Arcana: Chronicle of Iacarisi Mages, Vol IV, a catalogue of famous elven wizards and their contributions to the study of magic
  • History: The Fall of the Teccan Empire, a thick tome which presents a very detailed retelling of the final years of the Teccan Empire
  • Investigation: Setting Crosswords and Cryptics, a book full of examples and tricks to making word puzzles
  • Nature: Illustrated Guide to Edible and Poisonous Fungi
  • Religion: Journey to Valhalla, an account of travel to the realm of the gods.
  • Insight: Sense and Prejudice, a will-they-wont-they romance novel with deep character introspection
  • Animal Handling: Can I Pet That Dawg?, a comic book about a young girl and her pets
  • Survival: Practical Fieldcraft, a handbook developed for Seeker scouts
  • Medicine: Proco's Anatomy, an illustrated tome of humanoid anatomy by the renowed Teccan healer Proco Aulius
  • Perception: Where's Wilrick?, a children's book with intricate illustrations
  • Persuasion:
  • Performance: Lute for Dummies, a step-by-step guide to playing the lute
  • Intimidation:
  • Deception: In Plain Sight, a mystery novel about a serial killer