Selena's Crimson Garb

Wondrous item (raiment), very rare (requires attunement)

This expensive outfit consists of a deep red collared jacket and knee-high leather boots, worn over a dark shirt and black leather pants. The jacket and pants are fastened with several brass buckles. These clothes were once worn by Selena Blackmoon.

While you wear this outfit you have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. While you are not in sunlight, you can use an action to turn into a tiny bat. While in bat form, you have a walking speed of 5 feet, a flying speed of 30 feet, and 30 feet of blindsight. Your other statistics are unchanged, and you cannot attack, cast spells, or speak while in bat form. You can use an action to revert to your normal form. You also revert to your normal form if you take any damage or enter an area of sunlight.