
Weapon (longsword), paragon (requires attunement by an Elf)
silionbar , lit 'Sky iron blade'

This ornate sword is called Silionbar in elvish, and the name is inscribed on the blade. The weapon's slender blade was forged almost a millenia ago from a single piece of sky iron. The dark steel handguard is sculpted like leaves, almost like it was grown. A jagged, uncut amethyst the size of a quail's egg is mounted as the pommel of the weapon.

Starsteel is the eponymous heirloom of House Silionbar. The blade is said to have been inherited from by blademasters of the Silionbar family since its creation, each wielder imbuing it with their mastery. When a wielder enters their Trance, they commune with previous wielders, gaining insights and enlightenment in the martial arts.

It is said that the worthy wielders of this blade fight alongside an army, even when they are alone.


  • You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon, which has the finesse property.
  • Once per short or long rest, you can cast Mirror Image, calling images of previous wielders to protect you. The images last until destroyed or dismissed.
  • You gain proficiency in History, as the previous wielders impart their knowledge on you. If you were already proficient, you gain Expertise instead.


  • The sword's bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +2.
  • When you attack with this sword, you can do so from a range of 30 feet, projecting an image of an elven swordsman who strikes with the blade. When you do this, the attack deals force damage.
  • When a creature destroys one of your Mirror Images, you can use your reaction to make an opportunity attack against them.


  • The sword's bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +3.
  • When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you summon an image of an elven swordsman, which serves as a Mirror Image for you. You cannot have more than three images around you at any time.
  • Once per long rest, you can cast Steel Wind Strike, using the attack modifier of the sword.