Teneldorei, the Silver Bow

Weapon (longbow), paragon (requires attunement by a Spellbow Spellsword)
Teneldorei, the Silver Bow

An ornate longbow of elvish design. Its limbs are made from bright ironwood and the handle is carved from a single piece of dragon ivory. Silver runes are inscribed along its limbs, and the string is spun from translucent windsilk fibers, making its pull remarkably light for a weapon this powerful.

This weapon was made by Halen nan Estiae, who took its name as his byname. He traveled to each of the elemental planes, gathering their essences. On the plane of air, he infused the string with roiling storm. On the plane of fire, he slew a red dragon to claim its ivory for the handle. On the plane of earth, he sought out an ironwood tree to carve its limbs. On the plane of water, he earned the favor of a marid princess, who fused the pieces with her magic.


  • You gain a +1 bonus to attacks and damage rolls with this weapon.
  • When you use Arcane Lashing or deal a critical hit with a conjured arrow, it has an additional benefit depending on the type of arrow:
    • Fire: The target takes an extra 4 (1d8) fire damage.
    • Cold: The target's movement speed is halved until the end of its next turn.
    • Lightning: The target cannot take reactions until the start of your next turn.
    • Force: The target is pushed back 10 feet.

Upgrade: Reinfuse the near-depleted string with very rare air and lawful essences, and a casting of Elemental Weapon.


  • The weapons' bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +2.
  • The extra effect from your arrows also applies to creatures who fail their saving throw against your Volley of Splinters.
  • Once per long rest, you can shoot a multi-infused arrow and cast Summon Elemental.

Upgrade: Empower the limbs with legendary positive and negative essences, and a casting of Weapon.


  • The weapons' bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +3.
  • You learn to conjure even more types of arrows:
    • Necrotic: The target cannot recover hit points until the end of its next turn.
    • Radiant: The next attack made against the target before the end of your next turn has advantage, and the target cannot benefit from being invisible.
    • Psychic: The target has disadvantage on any Constitution saving throws it makes to maintain concentration as a result of the damage done by the attack.