The Brisingamen

Jewelry (amulet), paragon artifact (requires attunement by a Cleric or Paladin)
The Brisingamen

The legendary necklace of the goddess Freya. It was made by Heimdall and gifted to the Lady of Light who wore it proudly around her neck until it was stolen. Its current location is not known, and no whispers of it have been heard for many eons.

The necklace is a grand golden torc beset with a multitude of gems of all kinds, among them diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, amber, pearls and amethysts. The center-piece is a massive, 1-inch brilliant sparkling luxite diamond which sheds bright light in a 30-foot sphere, and dim light for another 30 feet beyond that. This light is sunlight and can be toggled with a bonus action.

The Pilgrim Knights seek this necklace above all other treasure, and they will not endure someone outside their order wielding the jewels of their goddess.

Nondetection: The Brisingamen defies attempts to magically locate it. Neither the necklace itself nor its wearer can be targeted by any divination magic or perceived through magical scrying sensors. Not even a Wish spell can reveal the location of the necklace.


  • You gain a +1 bonus to your AC and spell save DC.
  • The necklace can be used as a holy symbol and has 10 charges, and regains 1d6+4 charges each day at dawn. You can use the charges to cast spells: Mass Cure Wounds (3 charges), Holy Weapon (5 charges), Dawn (4 charges). Spells cast from the Brisingamen use your spell save DC.
  • Freya's Resplendence: When you roll healing or radiant damage, you can use your Channel Divinity to deal the maximum amount, instead of rolling.
  • You gain resistance to Radiant and Necrotic damage.


  • The bonus to your AC and spell save DC increases to +2.
  • The number of charges increases to 15, and the amount restored each dawn increases to 1d10+5. The following spells can also be cast from it: Sunbeam (7 charges), Heal (7 charges), Word of Recall (8 charges), Resurrection (15 charges).
  • Divine Conduit: You can use your Channel Divinity feature once without expending a use of the feature. You can only use this property once. You regain the use of this feature each dawn.
  • Lightgiver's Protection: You are always under the effects of the Protection from Evil and Good spell.


  • The bonus to your AC and spell save DC increases to +3.
  • The number of charges increases to 20, and the amount restored each dawn increases to 1d12+8. In addition, you can cast Holy Aura by spending 12 charges.
  • You can use Divine Conduit twice, instead of once.
  • Lifegiver's Blessing: You are always under the effects of the Bless spell.