Mephit Familiar

CR 1/4 companion

tiny elemental, true neutral

Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 2 (1d4+0)
Speed: 0ft, fly 30ft
5 (-3)
14 (+2)
11 (+0)
12 (+1)
7 (-2)
13 (+1)
Skills: Perception +0 Arcana +3
Condition Immunities: Prone, Grappled, Restrained, Poisoned
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 10
Languages: Understands Primordial, but can't speak it.
Innate Spellcasting: The mephit's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 11 , +3 to hit with spell attacks). The mephit can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

Magic Resistance: The mephit has advantage on saving throws versus spells and other magical effects. If the mephit succeeds on a saving throw versus a spell that would normally allow it to take half damage, it instead takes none.

Elemental Source: When you summon this mephit, choose one damage type from Cold, Fire, Thunder, Lightning, Poison, Acid. The mephit is immune to that damage type, and when its master deals damage of that type against a target within 10 feet of the mephit, the mephit can use its reaction to add an additional 1d4 damage of that type to one creature.

Death Burst: If the mephit reaches 0 hit points, it explodes. All creatures within 10 feet of the mephit must succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or take 7 (2d6) damage of the type chosen in its Elemental Source feature.


Slam: Melee weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit: 1 damage of the type chosen in its Elemental Source feature.

These sparks of elemental power can be summoned by even novice conjurers.

The Find Familiar spell can summon a Mephit.