Frost Dwarves

Frost dwarves hail from the furthest north, living nomadic lives in frozen tundras and atop snow-capped mountains. From these icy places, they roam far and wide, hunting big game or searching for elemental artifacts. Some frost dwarves band together in small clans, other lead a hermit lifestyle, walking the frozen wastes alone.

Frost dwarves have blue skin and thick white hair. They are almost impervious to the cold, but still wear thick clothing, making them appear more rotund than they actually are.

Frost Dwarf traits

Creature Type

You are a humanoid. You are also considered a dwarf for any prerequisite or effect that requires you to be a dwarf.

Ability Score Increase

Your Constitution increases by 2, and your Strength increases by 1.


You know Common and Dwarven.


Frost dwarves have a lifespan of around 125 years, slightly shorter than their regular dwarf cousins.

Speed and Size

Your size is either medium, and your walking speed is 25 feet.


You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.

Frozen Heart

You have resistance to cold and poison damage, and you have advantage on saving throws to avoid or end the Poisoned condition. You are also acclimatized to cold climates and high altitudes, even without any protective gear.

Arctic Arcana

You know the Ray of Frost cantrip. Once per long rest, starting at 3rd level, you can cast Armor of Agathys at a level equal to your proficency bonus. When you pick this race, choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as your spellcasting ability for these spells, and you can also cast these spells with your spell slots.