Ritual of Summoning
Level 6th | Casting Time 10 minutes | Range/Area
| Components v, s, m |
Duration instantaneous
| School conjuration | Attack/Save | Damage/Effect |
By drawing a sigil on the ground around you, you can invite a creature to instantly join you at your location. When you finish casting this spell, you speak the true name of the creature you wish to call upon. The caster makes an ability check using their spellcasting ability. The base DC is 20, modified by your knowledge of the target, and how well you are able to make a connection.
Knowledge | DC modifier |
Secondhand knowledge (you have heard of the target) | +5 |
Firsthand knowledge (you have met the target) | 0 |
Familiar (you know the target well) | -5 |
Connection | DC modifier |
Likeness or picture | -2 |
Possession or garment | -4 |
Body part, lock of hair, bit of nail, or the like | -10 |
If the check succeeds and the creature is willing and on the same plane of existence as you, it is teleported to an unoccupied space adjacent to you in a flash of blue light. If the check fails, the spell is wasted.
- (a rare chaotic essence, which the spell consumes)
bard warlock wizard