Veil of Glamour

Casting Time
1 minute
v, s
8 hours

You take on a glamourous appearance, letting you weave a disguise around yourself to the eyes of others.

Depending on what level you cast this spell, you can change different things about your appearance. The effects are cumulative, but you do not need to use all the effects. You can end the effects of the spell as an action.

Spell LevelEffectExample
1You change the appearance of what you are wearing.Your armor appears as simple farmer clothes and your sword appears as a shovel.
2You appear as a member of another humanoid race of the same size.You appear as an elf of the opposite gender.
3You change your size, appearing one category smaller or larger.You appear as a halfling.
4You appear as a creature of any type, even one that does not have the same general arrangement of limbs as you do.You appear as an owlbear or gelatinous ooze.
5You appear as a specific creature you have seen before.You appear as Count Strahd von Zarovich.
6The spell lasts until dispelled.

If given reason to doubt your appearance, an onlooker can make an Investigation check to see through the illusion you have woven around you. The DC equals your spell save DC, and on a success they notice your true form for the duration of the spell. The DM might give creatures advantage or disadvantage on this check, depending on the circumstances.

wizard sorcerer bard warlock