Path of the Viking

From small northern villages, ships filled with warriors head out on journeys across oceans to trade or plunder. These warriors are hardy seafarers who swing bearded axes with the same ease as lesser fighters swing daggers. But they can also be diplomatic when it suits them, and not every interaction has to end in violence.

Reckless Abandon

3rd-level Path of the Viking feature

While you are raging, the first attack you hit each turn after using Reckless Attack deals additional damage equal to your level in this class.

Seaborne Raider

3rd-level Path of the Viking feature

You have crossed oceans in the search for booty, through trade or plunder. You gain a swim speed equal to your walking speed, and you gain proficiency with Water Vehicles and your choice of Intimidation, Persuasion, or Insight.


6th-level Path of the Viking feature

If you are wielding a shield, you can make opportunity attacks against creatures that enter your reach. If you are not wielding a shield, you deal a critical hit on a 19.

You also gain Expertise in the skills and tools you gained from Seaborne Raider.

Berserker Brew

10th-level Path of the Viking feature

Once per short or long rest when you use Rage, you can enter into an enhanced drug-fueled rampage. While in this fugue state, your rage damage bonus is doubled and you have advantage on all saving throws.

Conquerer's Might

14th-level Path of the Viking feature

When you use your Berserker Brew, all hostile creatures within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equals 8 + prof + str), or become Frightened of you. Affected creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turns, and the effect ends if they take damage.

If you hit a creature that is Frightened of you with an attack, it becomes an automatic critical hit.