College of Corpsmen

Surrounded on all sides by the enemy, a human woman carrying a battle standard shouts orders to her faltering allies. Rallying to her banner, they form into a shield wall, just as the next wave of enemies close with them.

Walking through a field hospital, a half-elven man holding a torch kneels down at each gurney, giving comfort to the wounded who lie there. He binds their wounds as best he can, although he knows that not all of them will survive the night.

The dragon roars, and most of the men take off running. One halfling girl stands firm against the terrifying monster that looms over her. Mustering her full strength, she gives a battle cry that carries over the battle noise, inspiring those who fled to take up their arms again.

The Corpsman

The corpsman can fulfil many archetypes. Perhaps they are a battlefield musician, beating their drum to drown out the sounds of battle. Maybe they are a commander who gives orders from the front lines, or a battlefield medic that helps those wounded in battle, without regard for which side they fought on.

Any party of adventurers would be happy to have a corpsman among them.

By /u/Actimia

The Corpsman is a trained battle medic. Most corpsmen do not carry weapons into combat, relying on others to do the actual fighting. Corpsmen are highly respected among the soldiers, as they control life and death on the battlefield. They are fixed-points on the battlefield, sometimes in a position of command.

When the fighting is done, they care for the wounded and fallen. It is not unheard of after a large battle to have corpsmen from both sides work next to each other to save as many wounded as possible.

Motivating Words

3rd-level College of Corpsmen feature

When you grant Bardic Inspiration to a creature, they also gain temporary hit points equal to your bard level plus one roll of your inspiration dice.

Combat Medicine

3rd-level College of Corpsmen feature

You gain proficiency in the Medicine skill and you can use your Charisma modifier instead of Wisdom for Medicine checks. You also gain proficiency with the herbalism kit, and you can use it or a healer's kit as a spellcasting focus for your bard spells.

In addition, you gain proficiency with medium armor and shields.

Heroic Presence

6th-level College of Corpsmen feature

When you use Motivating Words, you can grant one of the following options instead of giving temporary hit points:

  • End a spell effect on the target (of a level up to half the number rolled on your inspiration die, rounded up).
  • Cure the target of a poison or disease that ails them.

Additionally, allies within 30 feet of you have advantage on death saving throws.

Skirmish Cover

14th-level College of Corpsmen feature

You have learned to weave in and out of combat under cover of your allies. If one of your allies is within melee range of a creature that attacks you or forces you to make a saving throw, you can use your reaction to give that attack disadvantage, or gain advantage on the saving throw.