
Shield Masters

3rd-level Hoplite feature

Hoplites are masters of formation warfare using large shields, that they utilize for both offense and defense.

Shield Bash While you are wielding a shield, you can bash an enemy with it as a bonus action. It counts as a martial melee weapon that deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage. If your shield has a magical bonus to AC (beyond its normal 2), you can add that bonus to the attack and damage rolls of this attack.

Shield Push: When you hit with your Shield Bash, you can force the enemy to make a Strength saving throw (DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier). On a failure, they are pushed back 5 feet or knocked prone, your choice. You can use this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all uses when you finish a short rest. You can only Shield Push creatures that are up to one size larger than you.


7th-level Hoplite feature

Your superiors have noticed your abilities, and have promoted you to a position of command. A commander needs to be the rock to which his subjects can anchor themselves on the battlefield, and a mix of trust and fear is needed to maintain discipline in the ranks.

You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws, or another saving throw if you already had it. You also gain proficiency in the Persuasion or Intimidation skills, or expertise if you were already proficient.

Additionally, your Shield Bash now deals 1d6 damage, and Shield Push now pushes back the target 10 feet.

Phalanx Formation

10th-level Hoplite feature

The shield wall is at its strongest when it braces against a charge.

If a creature enters your reach on a turn before attacking you, you gain a bonus to your AC equal to your proficiency bonus against that enemy's first attack against you on that turn. You must be wielding a shield to gain this bonus.

Additionally, your Shield Bash now deals 1d8 damage, and Shield Push now pushes back the target 15 feet.

With Your Shield or On It

15th-level Hoplite feature

A hoplite's greatest fear is the formation breaking. Your presence inspires those next to you to hold the line, whatever may come your way.

You become immune to the charmed and frightened conditions, as does your allies within 10 feet of you while you are not incapacitated.

Additionally, your Shield Bash now deals 1d10 damage, and Shield Push now pushes back the target 20 feet.

Grand Slam

18th-level Hoplite feature

Your Shield Bash now deals 1d12 damage. Additionally, Shield Push now pushes back the target 30 feet, and you can use it an unlimited number of times.