The Dragon Knight

Paladin oath

Pick one element or stay fluid?

More mounted combat stuff

Dragon Knight spells

3rd-level Dragon Knight feature

Paladin levelSpells
3rdAbsorb Elements, Command
5thDragon's Breath, Earthbind
9thFear, Fly
13thFire Shield, Locate Creature
17thDominate Person, Hold Monster

Dragon's Might

3rd-level Dragon Knight feature

CD: Dragon's Breath Action: 4d6 in 15yd cone, dex save for half

CD: Frightening Presence Action: Creatures of your choice within 30 yds must make a Wisdom save or be Frightened for 1 minute.

CD: Bonus Action (reaction?): Gain resistance to an element for 1 hour.

Aura of Alertness

7th-level Dragon Knight feature

While you aren't incapacitated, you and your allies within 10 feet gain .

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.


15th-level Dragon Knight feature

Call Greater Steed can call a permanent dragon spirit (as per Summon Draconic Spirit).

Draconic Transformation

20th-level Dragon Knight feature

Flight, resistance to elements, blindsight, can use CD as bonus action

1 lr?