Oath of Radiance

Paladins who swear an Oath of Radiance serve the light itself. They often worship deities of life and light like Freya, Apollo, Belenus, Lathander, Pelor, or Corellon. They are servants of the people around them, spreading light and love around them.

Tenets of Radiance

The tenets of the Oath of Radiance

Aid Those in Need: The innocent deserve your aid and succour.

Embody the Light: Be a holy presence to those around you.

Vanquish Evil: There is far too much evil in the world.

Oath Spells

3rd-level Oath of Radiance feature

Paladin LevelOath Spells
3rdGuiding Bolt, Healing Word
5thLesser Restoration, Daylight
9thBeacon of Hope, Mass Healing Word
13thGuardian of Faith, Aura of Life
17thGreater Restoration, Mass Cure Wounds

Channel Divinity

3rd-level Oath of Radiance feature

Beacon of Light: As a bonus action, you designate a creature within 60ft as your beacon. The creature emits dim light in a 10-foot radius around it, and whenever you heal a creature that is not the beacon, the beacon is also healed for half as much (round down). This lasts for 10 minutes.

Hammer of Justice: When you deal damage with your Divine Smite, you can expend your Channel Divinity to force the target to make a Constitution saving throw or be Stunned until the end of your next turn.

Concentration Aura

7th-level Oath of Radiance feature

Creatures that benefit from your Aura of Protection also have advantage on Constitution saving throws they make to maintain concentration on spells.

Blessing of Protection

15th-level Oath of Radiance feature

As a reaction, when you or one of your allies within 30 ft takes damage, you can give the target immunity to that damage. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

Avenging Wrath

20th-level Oath of Radiance feature

As an action, you sprout golden angelic wings that last for one minute. While the wings persist, you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed.
  • Once per turn, you can use your Divine Smite feature without spending a spell slot (as if you had spent a first level spell slot)
  • You can cast paladin spells with a casting time of 1 Action as a Bonus Action.
  • Your attacks deal a critical hit on a roll of 18 or higher on the d20.