
A conjuration specialist who calls upon extraplanar creatures to fight alongside them.

This subclass is intended to be used with the Tasha's-style template summons.

Enhanced Conjuration

2nd-level Conjurist feature

Whenever you cast a Conjuration spell that summons a creature, such as Summon Insects or Summon Fey, you gain the following benefits:

  • You can replace any non-consumed costly material components of the spell with an arcane focus.
  • You have advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration on the spell.
  • The creature gains temporary hit points equal to your level in this class + your Intelligence modifier.

Creations of Magic

6th level Conjurist feature

As a bonus action, you can switch places with a creature you have summoned. Once you do this, you cannot do so again, unless you summon the creature again.

In addition, your conjured creatures' attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage.

Heightened Conjuration

10th-level Conjurist feature

You augment your summoned creatures with magical energy. Creatures that you summon add your Intelligence modifier to the damage of their attacks.

Twin Summon

14th-level Conjurist feature

Whenever you cast a spell to summon a creature, you can summon two creatures instead. You can choose different template options for the creatures, if applicable, and the creatures have separate pools of hit points. When you can command the creatures, they can take the same or different actions, but the total number of attacks they make between them cannot exceed half the spell's level.