Aurora's Sanctum

On a small island in the middle of the Whitepond lies a secret monastery of Sun Soul monks, kept hidden from all but the highest ranking Pilgrim Knights. Saint Arwyn, sent from Folkvang by Freya herself, teaches a chosen handful of monks to be instruments of the Goddess' power and seek out and illuminate the darkest parts of the world.

The monks here are the Justicars, arbiters of justice and innocence who preside over trials and hearings when the Pilgrims require it. They are the hidden fourth branch of the Pilgrims, and wear robes of the brightest white cloth, and carry no weapons except for their inner fire.

Initiates are chosen from all branches of the Pilgrim Knights for their ability to channel the light of their goddess. Most initiates are women who rose through the ranks of the Charitors as priestesses first.

Seraphina, Justicar of the Eternal Flame

(aasimar, LG): The highest-ranking Sun Soul monk on the island. Current wearer of the Justicar's Veil.

Aurora's Chapel

The central building on the island. It is an octagonal building, each face decorated with a stained-glass window telling myths of Freya.

Amphitheater of the Dawn

The monks primary gathering site is an outdoor, semi-circular amphitheater that overlooks the Whitepond to the east. Here, they perform complex ceremonies praising the sun at dawn, usually completely naked.