The Teccan Gods

The old gods of the Teccan Empire. They are still worshipped on the mainland.

There gods are generally classified in two orders, the civilized gods and the wild gods. The civilized gods are Phatos, Helianna, and Dessia. The wild gods are Naia, Marus and Caldir. Archea, the goddess of magic is part of neither order.

All gods have several aspects in addition to their main domain, and adherence to an aspect does not necessarily mean adherence to the other aspects of the same god.

Naia, Goddess of Fertility

Domains and aspects: Life, Peace (as Goddess of the Hearth), Grave (as Goddess of Natural Cycles) (LG)

Other names: The Lifegiver, the Loving Mother

Symbols: Flower, Rabbits, Green

All the living things of the world have their origins in Naia's creation. Before she gave birth to everything, the world was empty. Life cannot prosper without her blessing.

Dressed in flowy white-and-gold robes, young with crimson hair. Always laughing and smiling.

Phatos, God of Civilization

Domains and aspects: Forge, Order (as God of Justice), War (as God of Strategy) (LN)

The All-smith, Lawbringer, Justicar Anvil, Hammer, Horses, Red

Gave the mortals a common language, elevating them from the animals. He taught mortals to tame fire, build settlements and establish laws. Humans regard him as the greatest of the gods, and build grand monuments in his honor.

Dressed in silver mail, wielding his hammer. Dark-skinned and bald. Stern and just.

Helianna, Goddess of the Sun

Domains and aspects: Light, Nature (as goddess of Plants and Animals) (NG)

The Lady of Light, the Landmother Sun, Birds of Prey, Gold/yellow

The embodiment of the sun, she hates undeath in all its forms. She gives life to plantlife and trees, although she leaves flowers to Naia. Especially beloved by elven communities.

Her hair is radiant and golden, with large white wings. Wears a golden cloak of vines over her wooden armor and wields a slender spear. Regal and illustrious.

Archea, Goddess of Magic

Domains and aspects: Arcana, Knowledge (as Goddess of the Unknown) (N)

The Unknowable One, the Mistress of Mystery, The Stellar One Trefoil, Stars, Dragons, Purple

While all the gods have magical powers (and can grant them unto mortals), Archea is the only one who knows its source, or perhaps she herself is the source.

Purple hair, wielding a magical rapier. Dresses in robes adorned with strips of fabric with runic inscriptions on them and set with glistening star-like gems. Mysterious, contemplating.

Marus, God of Storms

Domains and aspects: Tempest, War (as God of War) (NE)

The Furious Rider, the Wrathful One, the Stormlord Lightning Bolt, Waves, Blue

Marus is the great ocean, sometimes calm, sometimes furious. Only the foolish tempt his wrath.

Dressed in armor, wielding his sword and shield. Long black hair. Not quick to anger, but fearsome in his rage.

Dessia, Goddess of the Afterlife

Domains and aspects: Death, Grave, Knowledge (as Goddess of History) (LE)

The Lone Librarian, the Soultender, the Eternal Arbiter Scrolls, Lantern, Insects, Black

All who die go to Dessia's great library, where each soul has their story written down and placed on the shelves. This grand accounting of mortals is her charge, preserving it for the future.

Old and frail woman, in dark and tattered robes and wearing a blindfold. Leans on her staff. Inquisitive and listening.

Caldir, God of the Moon

Domains and aspects: Twilight, Trickery (as God of Luck) (CN)

The Huntsman, the Nightstalker, the Fatedealer Moon, Bow and Arrow, Wolves, Silver/white

Roams the wilderness at night, ever looking for his next prey. Figures in many stories told to children to scare them straight.

Black leather armor, armed with bow and arrow. Pale skin and white hair. Observant and accurate.