Missing Villagers

  • Diplomacy?

Tofanis the Corrosive has taken two people from the island as slaves in the past months. It might be possible to convince Tofanis for aid in overthrowing Selena, especially if he is tempted with a bribe of gems.

Tofanis the Corrosive

(adult black dragon, CE, 231)

A cunning dragon who prefers to subjugate his victims instead of killing them outright. Tofanis and Selena maintain a tenuous non-aggression pact, which is occasionally renewed with the gift of a captive more useful to the other.

Tofanis is solely motivated by greed, and especially shiny objects. That is why he has made his lair in a flooded gem mine.

Alkyla the Firstborn

(black dragonborn, CE, 27): Firstborn daughter of Tofanis, who leads slaver parties who raid Palecliff and the logging camps for new thralls. She has a posse of 10 (3d6) Merrow, who also oppose the villagers of Palecliff. They can enter the middle of the island through flooded caves below the island.

The Missing Villagers

Alyssa Shortrun

(human, CG, 22): Lumberjack who works at the logging camp. Two weeks ago, she was sent to scout for rare trees toward the old Cairn, but never returned. If the party follows, it doesn't take long to find a merrow corpse bearing axe wounds.

Samuel Holdfast

(human, LN, 47): Fisherman who was last seen a week ago, sailing towards Razorreef to fill a large order of fish from the Ravenroost. (human, NG, 31): Druid initiate from the Cairngrove who was nabbed by Alkyla when she was scouting the Logging Camp. She is the most recent arrival in the mine, and is plotting an escape.

Lily Thornroot

Druid initiate from Cairngrove.


If the characters go to Razorreef, they are quickly attacked by 5 (2d4) Merrow and a Merrow Shallowpriest. If they defeat this encounter, the shallowpriest is no longer present in the Bleakmire.

The Bleakmire

  • Descriptions

Outer Lair

The mist seems to thicken as you approach the center of the Bleakmire. The ground is soggy, and every step releases a puff of swamp gas. Up ahead, between several thorny bushes, thick white smoke bellows from a large sinkhole. Several sets of merrow footsteps lead to and from the hole, which is atleast twenty feet across.

The myrmidon rises as the party approaches, and asks their business. They could be led to Tofanis if they want to bargain.

Gem Mines

  • 5x Merrow
  • Merrow Dragonpriest
    • Only if the party did not kill him at the Razorreef
    • "Intrudersss! Repel them in the mastersss name!"
    • "Do not let them free the sslavesss!"
  • 10x Slave
    • 1hp, 10ac

Slaves work the gem mines, guarded by merrow. Some of the merrow start killing slaves once combat starts.

Learn that one of the slaves the party cares about (probably Lily) was taken by Tofanis to his lair about an hour ago.

Tofanis' Lair

Beyond the tunnels, a large subterranean chamber lies ahead, illuminated by mist-filtered light through severals holes in the ceiling. Amid stinking pools of black water sits a large rock in the shape of a skull. Acid-bleached bones are strewn everywhere, and the stench of decay is heavy in the air.

Spot a bound slave atop the skull rock. When the party approaches, Tofanis emerges from the water.

His hoard contains:

  • 2800gp in coins and various different less precious gems and crystals
  • 22 (4d10) gems and 2x 7 (1d6+4) pieces of jewelry
  • Ring of Aquatic Adaptation
  • Black Dragon Fang: Very rare earth

If Tofanis is slain, the mist over the island evaporates away over 2 (1d4) days, which ensures the vampires will stay inside during the day.


Tofanis offers the party a deal. He believes the treasuries of the Ravenroost holds a valuable collection of gems and jewelry. In particular, one of the rings is rumored to be magical. If the party acquires this treasure from the Ravenroost, he would sell the prisoners.

  • "I know the Pale Lady has been holding out on our... deals."
  • "I saw a most alluring jewel on her finger when we last... negotiated."
  • "Bring me what I seek, and it will pay for the useless slaves... I can get more rats to work the mines..."

Inner lair

The Bleakmire Orchid is guarded by a dragonleaf tree.

  • If they kill the tree, it only goes dormant, and they might be able to grab a chunk of black dragontree bark (rare earth).
  • Bleakmire Orchid:

Siege of the Ravenroost

  • Enemies:
    • Tofanis
      • Tofanis only lands once bloodied
      • Will also try and run away early
      • Very hard to recover Tofanis' essence if he dies and falls in the water
    • 4x Merrow
      • One will reach the top every round
  • Ask where the other freed slaves are: maybe roll 1d4 each time Tofanis strafes the tower to see how many perish
  • The Harbinger asks to be released:
    • "Unbind me, and I will help you against the dragon!"
  • Start with some diplomacy
    • "You killed the vampire? Impressive, for gnats. However, this is MY island. Submit to my rule, and your insignificant lives will be spared. Resist, and your dissolved remains will ooze into the ocean before the night is over."
    • "Do not think you have won! I will turn you all to sludge!"
  • If the fight goes south, Stonewing could come to their aid.