Alannah Dale

DnD Beyond

Halfling Bard (Entertainer, CG, 23)

Born and raised in Whitport, Alannah has been a troubadour at the local taverns for long enough to have seen the changes to the town. She performed a song ('The Phony Mayor of Whitport') that was perhaps slightly too openly supportive of the Redscarves and their cause, which made her a target for the authorities. Efforts to suppress the song has made it more popular than ever.

When she became wanted, she took her brother Timothy and hid in the Shrine of Idun. However, the sheriff's men tracked them down and when Oisin Silkbean, the attendant, refused to give them up, they burned the shrine down. Alannah and Timothy only barely got away from the fire, and managed to make it to Redscarf Keep.

Alannah routinely sneaks into Whitport and gives plundered gold to the poor, before spectacularily escaping the guards while singing her rebel songs. Her many narrow escapes from the Sheriff's men has made her very confident in her abilities. She lives with the Redscarves in their forest keep, where she pens more songs that champion the Redscarves and ridicule Prince's rule.



  • I always have a positive outlook, regardless of how grim the situation is
  • I have songs for almost any situation, and I am happy to sing


  • Alms for the Poor: I always try to aid those in need (Good)
  • Sic Semper Tyrannis: Unjust laws are not worth following (Chaotic)


  • The Redscarves saved me and my little brother from the Prince's men


  • I believe fate is on my side, and will take some pretty extreme risks
  • I can be quite light-fingered if I see something I want


Alannah always has a smile on her face, and nothing seems to get her down. She wears a bright blue quilted doublet under her red cloak, and a large poofy hat with a feather. Around her neck she wears a necklace of amber shaped like an apple, the symbol of Idun.


Oh come, sing an ode with me, To the generous Mayor of Whitport! When the people asks for food, He gives them what they need, Bread and water for a whole year, That's what is served in his jail. Here's to the rotten Mayor of Whitport!

Oh come, sing an ode with me, To the brave Mayor of Whitport! When the FTC ships came a-knockin, He invited them to plunder and steal, As long as he got his fair share, He does not care what the people feel Here's to the craven Mayor of Whitport!

Oh come, sing an ode with me, To the righteous Mayor of Whitport! When the merchant's votes were cast, The Mayor won by eleven to none, But please explain how that can be, When there are only nine of them? Here's to the phony Mayor of Whitport!

Who will free us from our yokes? Three cheers for the ones in cloaks! Hooray, Hooray, Hooray!

Their arrows will rain down on evil, And crush them each like a weevil! Hooray, Hooray, Hooray!

We'll find the ones who burnt our shrine One day soon they'll roast like swine! Hooray, Hooray, Hooray!

The rotten Mayor took your gold - I reckon we'll take it back threefold! Hooray, Hooray, Hooray!

This town's had its fill of Prince, Of this I'm not hard to convince! Hooray, Hooray, Hooray!

Our saviors live free among the oaks, Three cheers for the ones in cloaks! Hooray, Hooray, Hooray!

Yet await the sign ere we claim our prize, Only when old banner waves, will we rise Hooray, Hooray, Hooray!

Now gather round and listen to my lute Of a town that deserves a happy ending But a corrupt kleptocrat remains in power Stealing gold and treasure to his tower Of this I am easy to convince: This town's had enough of Prince!

Yet some remains who will fight for us: The Redscarves are our only hope! Soon they will free us of our yoke, Three cheers for the saviors of Whitport! Hooray, hooray, hooray!