The Redscarves

A band of outlaws living in an old ruined keep in the Middleswood Forest. They number only around twenty able fighters, but by using guerilla tactics they have become a major thorn in the sides of the authorities. The Sheriff of Whitport has offered bounties for information, capture or elimination of the outlaws. Most of what the Redscarves capture is smuggled to Tucker Ironbands to help the poor in the city.


Most of the Redscarves come from Whitport. Tired of living under the yoke of Mayor Prince, they took to the forest to live in freedom.

Robyn 'the Hooded' Blaise

(human, CG, 48): Highly skilled archer and leader of the band of outlaws based in the surrounding woods. Comes from a cadet branch of House Blaise. Her father sired her out of wedlock, and thus she has no real claim to any titles. While some of Whitport's poor regard her as a possible leader instead of Mayor Prince, she never sought that type of power.

Six years ago, Robyn went looking for a magical bow, and has not been seen since.

'Big' John Garvin

(human barbarian, CN, 52): Once Robyn's sidekick and now commander of the outlaws. He is well over 6 feet tall and very strong. Intensely loyal to Robyn, whom he calls 'countess' in private. Refuses to believe that she is actually dead.

Rhilas Vineplum

(half-elf, CG, 61): Redscarf quartermaster, in charge of distributing loot. Rhilor runs a small market stall in the keep, where he buys and sells weapons, supplies, and various trinkets that the Redscarves have no need for themselves.

Timothy Dale

(halfling, 16, CG): Little brother of Alannah, who secreted him out from town when she became a wanted person. Timothy and Alannah's parents are dead. He insists that he can be useful to the Redscarves, but Little John wont let him.

Oona Embermane

(dwarf, 54, NG): Redscarf scout who patrols the woods for enemies. She is a hardy dwarf, and the younger sister of Ragnhild Embermane

Redscarf Keep

Overlooking a valley by a lake, the Redscarves have taken over an old abandoned moated watchtower that was once an imperial outpost. The keep serves as a base for their operations in the forests around Whitport.

As an added precaution, the Redscarves have spread rumors that the nearby Krakenspond is cursed, and that all who go close to its poisoned waters die a painful death.

Main Tower

Main Tower

The keep is surrounded by a ten-foot deep moat, and its outer wall is twenty feet high. Several blood-red pennants fly in the wind to signal who lives here.

The first floor of the tower is the common room, where a large hearth provides heat and food at all times of day. Below it, there is a small dungeon with three cells.

On the second floor, cots and hammocks provide sleeping quarters for most of the Redscarves. The third floor is much smaller, as it is surrounded by battlements. The Redscarf leadership has a room each here. One room is reserved for Robyn, should she ever come back.

Above the third floor, the highest point of the watchtower is equipped with a small ballista. From here, one has an excellent view of the surrounding forest, well above the trees.