Elyana Irilex

High Elf Armorer Artificer (Guild Artisan, CG, 151)

"Ah, yes, I can see why this one caught your eye. It is my own design, of course." Elyana stepped towards the display cabinet whose contents were dominated by a large maul. The head of the maul was sculpted in the likeness of a boar with large tusks, and a series of clockwork gears and hoses ran down its handle.

She held up her bracer to the lock, and it swung open with a small chime. "I haven't quite got a good name for it yet. As you can see, it is decently hefty and should do just fine to swing against most assailants you might come across." Elyana said as she swung it in the air in front of her a few times, with a strength that was unusual for someone of her lithe build. "Now, it does hold a few secrets. Allow me to demonstrate."

Elyana pressed one of the colored jewels on her bracer, and a short beep was heard in the store, immediately followed by mechanical noises as a trap door in the ceiling opened, and a small archery target was lowered down to chest height. "Now, observe." She swung at the target, sending it backwards on its ropes. "A decent hit, but it could use some oomph."

As the target returned to its position, she swung at it again. This time, she pressed a small button on the handle mid-swing. The back of the hammer erupted with a roaring jet of flame and soot, shooting forward with terrible speed right into the target.

As the smoke cleared, Elyana coughed and whispered a cantrip to put out some smoldering embers in the ceiling before they took hold. Where the archery target had hung was now just the frayed ends of its ropes, and small pieces of target were scattered across the floor around her. "Quite effective, if I may say so myself."

Owner of Elyana's Eldritch Emporium. She started out as a glass-blower apprentice in Greystone's merchant's guild well over a hundred years ago, and has worked on her crafts ever since. She can engineer, enchant or otherwise obtain almost any magic item for the right price.