

Founded in 841 AUC.


Dominant culture: Maritime

Patron deity: Odin

The walled city of Greystone lies where the Quickwater river meets the sea. Behind its high walls lies a bustling trading port where goods and gold are exchanged at a breakneck pace. The native population is mostly human, with a smattering of elves and dwarves. The city was founded in 841 AUC as an Empire outpost, but has grown into a lively city. It is the largest city-state in the Estian League, and it can muster the largest army.

The Greystone crest, and the crest of House Dawnstar is a diagonal white stripe on a red field, with a charge that depicts a bright golden flame.


The old part of town, on the north side of the river is a mix of stone and wood houses. The southern part (Newside) is almost all stone houses. The wall that surrounds the city is 30ft tall, with the towers rising an extra 15ft above that. The wall is patrolled by the city guard, who also walk the streets in small squads of three or four guards.

The city is divided into several 'sides'. The old part, north of the river, comprises Lakeside and Riverside. Across the Quickwater Bridge is Newside and the Shins. The Shins is the poorest part of town and Lakeside is the most expensive. Outside the city walls, many small villages and settlements have sprung up along the roads that leads out of town.

Greystone Castle

On a jagged cliff overlooking Greystone Bay lies the fortified home of Count Aurius of House Dawnstar. Its towers are manned day and night by the City Watch. Count Aurius is the highest authority in town, and has considerable influence on Estia in general, but has recently acquired a political rivalry from the Governor of the Frontier Trade Company.

A serpentine path that passes several gatehouses is the only way to enter the castle, which is considered impregnable to a land-based force. Atop its well-fortified towers, several large scorpios protect it from airborne attacks.

Atop the tallest tower of the castle, an ever-burning beacon acts as a lighthouse, guiding ships into the city and away from the rocky shoals that litter Quickwater Bay. This flame is represented on the city's coat of arms.


Riverside is where much of the city's business is made. Goods is constantly being carted from the river harbor to the ocean-facing harbors, as boats cannot pass the low bridge. Rivergate leads past the Arena and on to Tembridge and the central mining region of Estia. Plenty of metal goods roll down this road when the river is unnavigable in spring.

Merchant's Guild

No matter what you are in the market for, you can probably get it here. Cobblers, smiths, glassblowers and weavers and other artisans all have workshops within its halls. Some merchants complain about the Guild's falling admission standards and high revenue cuts and have taken to opening independent shops around town.

The northern wing of the Merchants Guild houses the Greystone Auction Company, where valueable items are sold to the highest bidder. They usually post fliers around town when an auction is coming up.

Cormac Swiftswirl

(gnome, LN, 55): Head auctioneer of the Greystone Auction Company. Talks insanely fast, even in normal conversation. Cormac is an influential voice in the leadership of the Merchant's Guild.

Jason Goldday

(human, expert leatherworker, LN): Big game hunter and master leatherworker, and a very knowledgeable source about nature and the beasts that inhabit the world. Has a large claw-scar across his face, that he received from a Gray Render that he later slew.


(half-orc, novice bladesmith, LN): Bladesmith with a small shop. Recently became a full member of the Merchant's Guild when the position was made vacant by the sudden and unexpected death of her former master, Bergtil Bronzebellow (dwarf, LN). Does not speak much, and does not like hagglers.

Jasper of the Deeps

(earth genasi, novice jeweler, LG): Jasper is a earth genasi who looks as sparkly as his wares, with several large crystals protruding through his crackling dark-gray skin. Many of his creations can be seen around the necks and fingers of well-situated Greystonians.

Melissa Cooper

(human, expert tailor, CG): Owner and proprietor of Madam Melissa's, the premium women's outfitters in Greystone, based in the Merchant's Guild. Carries everything from elaborate silken ballgowns ("Honey, when the noblemen see you in this dress, they will all wish they weren't married.") to more practical adventuring-wear ("Ah, our femme fatale line - who says adventuring can't be stylish!"). She is always dressed to the nines in some of her haute-couture wares when attending to customers.


(tiefling, journeyman luthier, CG): Luthier who services the instruments of many bards who attend the School of Rhetoric and Oratory. His small workshop is on the bottom floor of the Guild, and smells of hide glue and lacquer.

Cornelia Flaxthorn

(halfling, NG): Journeyman fletcher, who makes specialty arrows. She incorporates monster parts, gems, and unstable compouds in her craft. Her shop is on the second floor of the Merchant's Guild, and she test-fires her arrows in the corridor outside, much to the dismay of her neighboring shops.

In addition to selling most mundane goods that pertain to their trade, some merchants also have more special stocks.

Item Price Note
Jason Goldday
Panda-tail cap400gp
Bracers of Archery500gp
Boots of Striding and Springing800gp
Serpent Scale Armor1750gp
Alley-fighter's Karambit350gp
Weapon of Warning (shortsword)450gp
Pit Boss Knuckles500gp
Jasper of the Deeps
Diamondsat 125% value
Ring of Warmth600gp
Feywild Shard750gp
Madam Melissa's
Flamesilk Handkerchief75gp
Feathered Minstrel's Hat500gp
Pride Silk Outfit600gp
Cloak of Elvenkind750gp
Glamoured Studded Leather2000gp
Doss Lute700gp
Canaith Mandolin2750gp
Cornelia Flaxthorn
Ambertip Arrow50gp10 available
Rope Arrow150gp3 available
Wormhole Arrow600gp

Market Square

The center of an already busy town. Market traders have stalls here from dawn until long after dusk - just beware of the pickpockets. It is also a very good location for gossip and information, as the notice boards are usually crowded with announcements and proclamations.

Elias Winterdale

(human, NG): Expert cheesemaker who sells his goods at a small marketstall in the square. His farm is outside the city, along the road to Godshearth. His best-selling cheese, Winterdalian Soft, is a Greystone specialty that is often served in inns and taverns. He also makes an extremely pungent blue cheese called Ghast's Flesh.

Vinius Morian

(human, LG, 31): Owns a small handcart from which he sells spicy meats wrapped in flatbreads, served with spicy sauces and vegetables. His stand has quickly become quite popular among those who frequent the market.

Estian Exchequer Office

A branch of the Estian Exchequer, the state-run bank that serves the League. Gold can be exchanged for bearer notes here, and the other way around.

Elyana's Eldritch Emporium

The go-to place for magic items. With its large windows filled with wondrous creations and clockwork decorations, the storefront is a Greystone landmark. Artificer Elyana, the proprietor, lives on top of the store. If visiting adventurers have particularly rare of valuable components, she is usually willing to trade with them for some of her inventory.

Current items in stock:

Item Price Note
Most common magic items50 (2d4×10)gpCan be created in about an hour
Roll of Spelltape50gp
Rope Arrow100gp
Wand of Magic Detection300gp
Knotwork Knifebelt700gp
Crank-operated Arcane Scattershot800gp
Ring of Protection950gp
Bloodwell Vial (+1)1000gp
Ghost Lantern1800gp
Rocket Maul2500gp
The A.E.G.I.S.11000gp

School of Rhetoric and Oratory

In Lakeside, not far from the Lord's Harbor lies a grand building that houses the venerated School of Rhetoric and Oratory, the premier education establishment for the children of nobles and other wealthy citizens of Estia. Many of the Councilmen who serve in Covenant have been educated here, as have some of the most famous poets and actors.

The school also operates scholarships for promising young artists who would not otherwise afford the tuition. Those who benefit from these scholarships are expected to work for the school after they graduate.

Callia Jane

(human bard, NG): Headmaster of the school. She specializes in connecting young artists with prospective patrons around the islands.

The Temptation Tavern

Run by the Bluejay gang as a legitimate front for their illicit activities. The matron, Madame Mauvine, runs the place well. She takes good care of her employees, and the musicians and bartenders alike are good at their jobs. A night of drinks are about 2gp normally, and up to 20gp for top-shelf stuff. Lodging is limited, but could be arranged for 10gp per person.

The large common room is frequented by lower-level members of the Bluejays as well as a smattering of townsfolk. In the evenings, the stage that dominates one of the walls hosts musicians and scantily clad dancers. The dancers will perform a choreographed number on-stage and then mingle among the audience, hoping to find (paying) company for the night.

There is also usually a few tables in the common room playing gnome fold or elevens. The stakes are usually low, but some sharps might try to take advantage of unexperienced gamblers.

Some of the dancers employed by the tavern (they are available for the night for 20gp):

1AuroraKalashtarTall blonde with friendly golden eyes that could charm anyone, and she usually does.
2TailsTabaxiWith striped tiger-like fur and a large bushy tail fur her graceful acrobatics ensorcells anyone who watches.
3WhisperHalf-elfHer most attractive feature is her velvety voice and supreme listening skills, which transfix anyone she talks to.
4MaverickHumanMale dancer with well-defined muscles who will show anyone who pays a good time.

The dancers are an excellent source of information and rumors about the people who frequent the Tavern.

Madame Mauvine

(tiefling, CN): Matron of the tavern that dresses in tight black leathers and high-heeled boots. She looks out for her dancers, directing her muscled bruisers to show the door to anyone who misbehaves, and probably bruise them up a little as well. Used to be a dancer when she was younger.

Caerdan Avatil

(elf, CN): Sallow-skinned elf who usually hangs around the bar. Likes to play gnome fold, and isnt afraid to cheat (+6 Deception). When Whisper goes on stage, he watches very closely.


The most expensive part of town. Most nobles and wealthy merchants live here in large two- and three-story houses. Through Lakeside, Northgate leads out of the city towards Myrknes, Pineharbor, and Frosthollow.

Pilgrim Knights Hospital

Anyone is welcome to the Charitors of the Pilgrim Knights. They run a hospital where anyone can come for aid with what ails them, free of cost.

Marfas Dunling

(human, LG): Templar of the Spears. Commands the Spear regiment stationed in Greystone. He is a righteous man who wields a greatsword in combat.

Anya Preswick

(half-elf, NG): Disciple of the Charitors. She treats anyone in the hospital with equal care, regardless of social rank.

Temple of Freya

Facing the Market Square, the Temple of Freya is always open to those who wish to pray. A statue of Freya sitting on a throne is the centerpoint of the altar. Regular services to the Lightgiver's glory are held here by Charitors of the Pilgrim Knights. Any creature who meditates at the altar, if they do so out of conviction of faith, gains the effect of the Aid spell.

Nina Sunhallow

(human light cleric, LG): Charitor of the Pilgrim Knights and high priestess of the Temple of Freya. She holds ceremonies in honor of her goddess several times per week. Nina has a falcon familiar named Pippin.

Bobby's Bits and Bobs

A shop for buying and selling anything and everything. The shelves are lined from floor to ceiling with odd trinkets and gadgets, most of it junk, some of it quite valuable. Bobby also acts as a pawn shop, usually with a 25% fee.

Bobby usually carries about 20 items from the art item generator. Sometimes, a few common or uncommon magic items end up in her shop.

Babbity Cottonwhirl

(halfling, NG): Babbity, or Bobby to her friends, is the owner and proprietor of this shop. She is far more knowledgable than she lets on when interacting with customers. Haggling with Bobby is like mudwrestling a boar - after a while you realize the boar is enjoying it more than you are.

Boar's Head Inn

Wealthy inn

If you are looking for comfortable lodgings, you can't go wrong with the Boar's Head. The common room is usually full of interesting people to meet. Most nights a troubadour or poet will entertain the crowd in the common room.

Richard Redcroft

(human, NG): Middle-aged proprietor of the Boar's Head.

The Ember Club

Aristocratic inn

This is where the rich and powerful meet to discuss the events of the day, usually over an imported cigar. You can only enter with an invitation or as the guest of a member. Owned by Lord Adonar Sharvir, a very influential figure in Greystone politics. Provided one can even gain entry, the drinks here are very expensive (50gp will cover an evening's fare), but the quality matches the price.

The interior of the Ember Club is mostly dark lacquered woods with upholstered furniture. A small common room houses a bar where drinks and cigars are served. Stewards (all dressed in signature red velvet coats and top hats) are available to take orders from customers who wish to remain seated. Several private rooms of various sizes are also available, including a rooftop terrace from where most of the Greystone skyline is visible.

Cosmo Lilacpetal

(halfling, LN): The maître d' of the Ember Club. He is an unreserved snob. The signature drink in the bar is named after him, consisting of distilled firewater, pressed citrus and cranberry juice.

The Lily

Officially 'The Golden Lily Theater', but only an outsider would call it that. The Lily is the largest indoor stage in Greystone. While the Arena seats more, the bloodsports that take place there are not to everyone's taste. For those more culturally minded, the Lily puts on stage plays, musical performances, poetry readings, and other events. The School of Rhetoric and Oratory have provided many actors for this stage.

Wilfred Slatespire

(gnome, NG): Creative director of the Lily. He is a somewhat aloof poet.

Lord's Harbor

The Lord's Harbor is the largest anchorage open to the public in Greystone. A sailing ship needs to pay 100gp a night to berth here. There are usually atleast a few ships of the League Seaguard anchored in the harbor, and many trading ships dock here to make business with the FTC.


From Newside, the Wheatgate leads south out of the city, to Covenant and the fertile farmlands that lie around Havenhome.

The Arena

This is where bloodsports are held. When there is an arena match, the queue to get good seats in the stands sometimes stretch throughout the streets, slowing other traffic to a crawl.

The main gate to the arena complex is made from the weapons of the fallen fighters. A large greatsword is given a special place of honor above the other weapons. This is the sword of Reginax the Unbeaten, who held a 99-win streak before he was killed in the ring. To "leave one's sword at the gate" is an euphemism for dying in the arena.

Pit Boss Orhan

(half-orc, LE): Head organizer and announcer during arena games. His color commentary is one of the reasons the arena draws full crowds almost every time there is a fight.

Quickwater Bridge

A wide stone bridge that crosses the Quickwater river, joining the old and new parts of Greystone. The bridge is 45 feet wide and has several arches, with its middle pillar sits on a low island that frequently floods in spring. The side of the bridge closest to Greystone Castle has a gatehouse with a portcullis. The bridge is too low to let sailing vessels pass, forcing goods to be unloaded and carted between the Riverside docks and one of the other docks in the city to continue their journey.

The Freemerchants

A collective of merchants who compete with the Merchant's Guild. The Freemerchants believe the Guild's policies are anti-competitive.

Richard Strongarm

(human, NG): A master blacksmith, specializing in making ornate plate armor for well-paying noblemen. For the right price, he also does manufacture or modify simpler armor.

Peter Strongarm

(human, NG): Son and apprentice of Richard Strongarm. Works the bellows and does simpler blacksmithing tasks for his father.

Bianca Goldswirl

(gnome expert alchemist, LN): Probably the most skilled alchemist in Greystone, brewing potions of all kinds. She was one of the leading figures in the exodus from the Merchant's Guild.

Bianca is a descendant of Agatha Goldswirl, and seeks her legendary compendium.

Holly Snapberry

(middin apprentice leatherworker, LG): Leatherworker who specializes in slings and saddles. Her real name is Holi-holi, but she chose a simplified version of the name when she left Tel Brimen.

The Black Stag

Comfortable inn

This alehouse is one of few such establishments in Newside. The common room is broken up into several smaller rooms, that can become quite maze-like to navigate.

Alexis Windwood

(human, CN): The charismatic owner of the Stag. She earned a pile of gold from adventuring before settling down. She is one of the younger business owners in the city, but she is savvy enough to compete.

Alexis is a warlock in service of a marid that is trapped in the plumbing that runs through the cellar of the Black Stag. She discovered the marid several years ago, and has managed to accrue enough wealth to buy the inn through a series of risky heists.

The marid has promised power and great riches if he is freed. In the cellar of the Stag, Alexis and her husband are preparing a ritual to free the marid.

Edward Windwood

(human assassin, CN): Alexis' husband and adventuring partner. Together, they have stolen from several noble mansions until they retired, readying for one final quest.


(human, CN, 25): Prodigy is a Courier and a "fixer". He knows most that goes on in Greystone, but his information does not come cheap.

Solstice Park

The largest green area in the city, and a popular spot to meet and eat outside in the summer. When the weather is nice, several food stands are usually found here, serving everything from shaved ice to meat on a sticks. Festivals are usually held here on holidays, especially at midsummer.

The Shins

The poorest part of town, with small houses and narrow alleys. The air always smells of something here.

Tailwag Kennels

By the outer walls in the depths of the Shins, a series of cages houses dogs of various breeds. The dogs are for sale, and even the rich people of the city come here to buy their dogs.

Goodboy Tailwag

(canior, LN): Proprietor of the kennels. Goodboy is a shepherd canior with brown fur.

Current dogs in stock:

DogRace Price Note
NutsM Mutt50gpNot house trained
DisaF Spitz175gp
FentonM Retriever200gp
RingoM Husky300gp
PoppyF Blink Dog1000gp

The Jolly Fowl Bar

Poor inn

The watering hole of choice for the towns poorer population, consisting of a open-air seating area surrounded by narrow houses with walkways along their second floors. In the middle of the inn stands a tall tree that provides shade in the summer and some protection from the elements. The beer isn't good, but it is cheap. There are also a few rooms available in the surrounding buildings, for those who value coin over comfort.

Leah Winson

(human rogue, CG): Co-owner and barkeep. Tattoos and half-shaved head.

Astrid Bearpike

(dwarf fighter, CN): Co-owner and bouncer. Abrasive personality, but a dependable friend to those she cares about.

Leah and Astrid met while adventuring together several years ago, and they are definitely not an item.

Ol' Nutty

(halfling, CN): Local drunk who spends most of his days boozing at the Jolly Fowl. Hits on anything that moves, without regard for race or gender. Is routinely thrown out by Astrid when he gets too rowdy.


Visiting riverboats can usually find a berth here. An average longboat can expect to pay 50gp a night to anchor here.

Shrine of Thor

Many sailors who depart Greystone visit this shrine and leave an offering to the Storm-god in exchange for a safe journey across the water.

Samantha Stormborn

(water genasi, CG): A priestess of Thor. Her mother was shipwrecked in a storm during a trade run, was rescued by a fluxcharger and became pregnant. As a Genasi, Samantha was an outcast, at home only on ships. Her fellow sailors respected her connection to the storms and she became a sea-priestess, blessing ships before long voyages or dangerous passages.

Frontier Trade Company Headquarters

When the FTC came to town, the power dynamics shifted rapidly. They brought their own economy, their own guard force and the mainland way of life. Few in town trust them, but they do good business here regardless. More popular with the lower classes, as they bring ample opportunity for employment.

The Great-Cothon

The massive covered harbor of the FTC. Only FTC ships are allowed to berth here. A small army of dockworkers take goods on and off the ships.

Governor's Mansion

The seat of the FTC's representative on Estia. It is one of the most lavish houses in Greystone, or all of Estia for that matter.

Iphilia Fastus

(bronze dragonborn, LE, 57): Iphilia Fastus is the FTC Governess of Estia. She is a shrewd politician with a singular focus on profit. She was born in Tec, but speaks several languages.

Outside the walls

Outside the walls of Greystone several small societies have sprung up. Many inhabitants go into town each morning for work.


The riverdocks by the Quickwater is always full with barges filled with trading goods from Tembridge, Southhold, and even further up the Quickwater.

"Cap'n" Curtis

(human, TN): An old fisherman who knows the Quickwater better than he knows his wife. He goes out in a small boat with a net every morning.


Littleton is a majority-halfling district, consisting mostly of farms and orchards.

Oakenband Cartwrights

The Oakenband family services and sells carts, wagons, and animals to pull them. They employ around 30 people here, serving the many trade caravans that go between Greystone, Covenant, and the Wheatplains.

Alma Oakenband

(dwarf, LN): Matriarch and proprietor of the business. She handles most sales herself.

Hakon Oakenband

(dwarf, NG): Husband of Alma. Hakon takes care of the draft animals.

Sigrid Oakenband

(dwarf artificer, CG): Oldest daughter of Alma and Hakon. She has been experimenting with self-propelled carts driven by rattling steam contraptions, with varied success so far.