Saenna Mindorei

DnD Beyond

Shadar-kai Elf Gloomstalker Ranger (Faction Agent, CN, 61)

There are no gods out here - just our wits and weapons.

Can you hear the cries of nature at the destruction wrought here?

Shadows, embrace me!

Saenna Mindorei

Saenna Mindorei

Race Shadar-kai Elf
Class Gloomstalker Ranger
Background Faction Agent
Alignment CN
Age 61

Saenna was born under the dark sky of the Shadowfell. The small shadar-kai tribe, the Pale Skulls, that she called home led a nomadic life in the deep forests of that dreadful plane, pledging their allegiance to Loki.

The tribe was led by Avadan Hathatirel, a powerful necromancer, who had the tribe in a cult-like grip. Saenna was taught that outsiders were evil, and only Avadan could save them from the dangers that lurked in the night by appeasing Loki with necromantic rituals.

At age 11, Saenna started training as an archer under Curien Atarist, the head hunter of the Pale Skulls. Curien had slain many beasts, and taught Saenna much about combat and gloomy combat over the next decade. Archery came naturally to Saenna, and she was recognized as the surest shot among her peers, earning her the byname Mindorei - 'Graceful-shot'.

Curien also confided in Saenna of her search of Soulthorn, a bow that draws on the Shadowfell itself to power its attacks. Together with Curien, she spent many long nights poring over maps and old texts in her tent, theorizing about the location of the storied longbow. Their last breakthrough was deciphering the name of its last known wielder - a black dragonborn named Regmaror.

When Saenna was 25 years old, and had been leading her own hunting party for several years, Curien challenged Avadan, who had grown more controlling over the years. They fought a duel in the middle of the camp, in full view of the whole clan. Avadan narrowly won the duel, slaying Curien with a green blast of necrotic energy.

Avadan's vengeance was swift and terrible. Most of the hunters that had trained under Curien were summarily executed as traitors, but Saenna managed to escape. She watched Avadan's lackeys hack several of her friends to pieces as she hid in the shadows around the camp, before turning her back on the only home she had known.

escape to estia

greystone life


Saenna can be somewhat abrasive, but she is a loyal companion to those who she believes have earned her trust and friendship. She has a hard time trusting those who invoke the gods, especially to influence others.


  • The gods cannot save us - only what we do matters.
  • Taking more than you need from nature is an affront to its bounties.


  • Independance: Relying on others to do your dirtywork is anathema. (Chaotic)
  • Preparation: With a precise plan of action, the odds of success are in my favor. (Neutral)


  • Growing up, I heard stories of a magical bow that embodies the Shadowfell. I have been searching for it since I left my tribe.
  • I will not stand idly by when others, especially young girls, are in trouble.


  • I am slow to trust those who do not share my way of thinking.


Saenna has very pale skin and raven hair that she keeps loose behind her. Her figure is lithe, except for the toned muscles of her arms and torso which are well suited to pulling her longbow of polished black wood. She keeps her quiver on her hip, along with a slender sword and a dagger for close combat. The arrows of her quiver are shafted with black raven feathers, and tipped with black metal. Her midnight cloak and leather armor is adorned with black fur and feathers, and she often adds local flora to it to blend in better.

  • Feats:
    • 1: Elven Accuracy
    • 4: Sharpshooter
    • 8: +2 Dex
    • 12: War Caster/Piercer/Res:Con/Shadow Touched/Stone Strike/MI:Druid/Fighting Initiate/Skulker
  • Multiclassing:
    • Rogue 3
      • Cunning Action, Expertise
      • Assassin
        • Huge surprise rounds
      • Scout
        • Skills to the teeth
    • Fighter 3
      • TWF fighting style for melee shenanigans
      • Action Surge
      • Champion
        • 25% crit chance
      • Battle Master
        • Pushing Attack, Commanding Presence, Precision Attack
    • Twilight Cleric 1
      • 300ft darkvision, adv on initiative, guidance, healing word