Aegir, God of the Sea


Aegir, God of the Sea

The Bear constellation

Clerical DomainsTempest, Nature
ClassesCleric, Ranger, Warlock
BackgroundsSailor, Pirate, Shipwright
Other NamesWaveshepherd
Symbols and materialsWaves, Bear, Laguz (l), Fish, Pearls, Driftwood

The splendor and danger of the open ocean is the domain of Aegir the Waveshephard. He is one of the oldest deities, and his domain one of the largest. While the sea is at its most angry when Thor visits it, it is Aegir who rules the waves.

In the early eons of the world, Aegir spawned the krakens that roam the depths of the ocean. Over time, the krakens broke free from his influence and they are now the sworn enemy of the Wavesheperd.

He is usually depicted as an old elf with hair and beard of kelp and clad in driftwood armor. He wields a trident called Krakensbane.

Only a few sailors can truthfully say they have seen the nereids, daughters of Aegir who roam the ocean. Nereids are generally not hostile, but as any other semi-divine being they should be approached with care.

Aegir's favor

Aegir is as mysterious and unknowable as the sea itself, but those who master the sea sometimes gain the favor of the Wavesheperd.

Worship of Aegir

Aegir has very few actual shrines and temples. Most ceremonies take place at a location near the ocean, where perhaps a small altar has been erected. Services to Aegir usually includes a sacrifice of food, gold, or a sword to the sea. Sailors and fishermen usually make these offerings before setting out across the oceans.

The fifth month of the year is dedicated to Aegir. During his month, the warmth returns to the world and the rivers are filled with meltwater from the mountains.

Ideals of Aegir

Devotion My devotion to my god is more important to me than what he stands for. (Any)

Adventure Only by going beyond the horizon can greatness be achieved. (Any)

Determination Stay the path and you shall succeed. (Lawful)

Courage The unknown is to be explored, not feared. (Good)

Freedom On the open ocean, no one can tell you what to do. (Chaotic)

Opportunity My gain, your loss. The sea gives and the sea takes. (Evil)

Earning and losing piety

You increase your piety score to Aegir when you expand the influence of the Sea by committing acts such as these:

  • Start a voyage across water
  • Offer part of your treasure to the sea
  • Destroy unnatural threats to safe water travel
  • Kill a kraken or other sea monster

Your piety score to Aegir decreases if you diminish his influence, contradict his ideals or otherwise ridicule him through acts such as these:

  • Sink or disable a ship
  • Help in constructing a building on the shore

Aegir's Devotee

Piety 3+ Aegir trait

You learn the Shape Water cantrip and can cast Create or Destroy Water once per long rest.

Aegir's Adherent

Piety 10+ Aegir trait

You can cast Water Breathing once per long rest, and you gain a swim speed equal to your walking speed.

Aegir's Disciple

Piety 25+ Aegir trait

You can cast Control Water once per long rest.

Champion of the Sea

Piety 50+ Aegir trait

You can increase your Strength or Wisdom by 2 and also your maximum for that score by 2.