Thor, God of Thunder


Thor, God of Thunder

The Hammer constellation

Clerical DomainsTempest, War
ClassesBarbarian, Cleric, Druid
BackgroundsSailor, Soldier, Noble
Other namesStormlord, Thunderer, Wrathful One
Symbols and materialsHammer, Lightning, Thurisaz (x), Amber, Holly, Sky Iron

The wild and untamed storm is the domain of Thor. Just as the sky can go from calm to storm in a day, Thor is vain and quick to anger. He is married to Sif, who tempers some of his worst sides.

Everyone who travels by sea respects Thor, although some worship him more out of fear than love. Sea-priests of Thor who claim to provide safe passage for ships sell their services in all major ports.

Thor is said to be tall and muscular with unkempt red hair and a large beard. Clad in chainmail and armed with his hammer and a large round shield of holly, he races across the skies in his goat-drawn chariot, thunderstorms following in his wake. His hammer Mjolnir, the Storm-hammer, is the legendary weapon through which Thor channels lightning against his enemies. There are said to have existed champions of Thor that gained his favor so highly they were granted the use of his hammer in order to complete a single task, but their names have been long lost to history.

Divine Relationships

Thor is married to Sif, the goddess of Justice. He and Aegir are rivals over the mastery over the ocean, but most of their followers recognize that both deities are powerful and need to be appeased for a safe passage.

Legends of Thor

Creation of Mjolnir After Loki cut off all of Sif's golden hair Thor became enraged and threatened to kill Loki. Loki pleaded to try and right this wrong and went to the ancient dark elven craftsmen. Despite Loki trying to stop them, they were not only able to make a new head of hair for Sif, but also other mighty trinkets, among which were Mjolnir. Thor accepted the magnificent hammer and wields it to this day.

Ragnarok It is foretold that during the battle that ends the world, Thor will fight and kill Jormungandr, the great snake that encircles the world, but will himself perish in the process.

Thor's favor

Thor's favor is earned, not given. Champions of Thor are strong and courageous, chosen from brave fighters of all walks of life. Thor guides his favored heroes to greater destinies than they would have achieved on their own.

Worship of Thor

The eleventh month of the year honors Thor, and it is during this month that the weather is at its most stormy and volatile. It is the least traveled month of the year, especially by sea. Followers of Thor sometimes gather on mountaintops or shorelines to watch the tempest in its full glory.

Ideals of Thor

Devotion My devotion to my god is more important to me than what he stands for. (Any)

Strength The only measure of a person is their combat prowess (Any)

Storm Strike fast when your enemies least expect it. (Chaotic)

Glory Only by being remembered can we achieve immortality. (Lawful)

Courage Trust in yourself and achieve greatness (Good)

Power Those that have power will rule the world (Evil)

Earning and losing piety

You increase your piety score to Thor when you expand his influence by committing acts such as these:

  • Emerge victorious from an even battle
  • Challenge a worthy foe to single combat or feat of strength
  • Sail a ship through a storm successfully
  • Have your story told by a minstrel
  • Gain the favor of a king or nobleman
  • Be struck by lightning

Your piety score to Thor decreases if you diminish his influence, contradict his ideals or otherwise ridicule him through acts such as these:

  • Cancel a journey due to rain or storms
  • Lessen a storm's fury using magic
  • Putting others at risk through cowardice
  • Let an insult go by unmatched, or otherwise conceal your emotions

Thor's Devotee

Piety 3+ Thor trait

Thor has taken an interest in your destiny. You can cast Thunderous Smite once per long rest, invoking his power.

Thor's Adherent

Piety 10+ Thor trait

You have earned the favor of the Stormlord, and in return he grants you some of his power. You can cast Call Lightning once per long rest.

Thor's Disciple

Piety 25+ Thor trait

Your exploits are well known with the Thundergod. You have resistance to thunder and lightning damage. When an effect moves you against your will, you can use your reaction to not move. You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all uses on a long rest.

Champion of the Storm

Piety 50+ Thor trait

Your Strength or Constitution score increases by 2, as does your maximum for that score.