
Asgard is the plane where the gods live. While they spent most of their time here, they have the power to appear on other planes as well, either in person or through intermediaries.

It is possible to go these planes and meet the gods in person, although finding a way across the Bifrost requires powerful magic, and the gods do not necessarily grant an audience to just any mortal that arrives at their home. The gods do not initially appear larger than an average human at a distance, but they have an enchanting presence and their voices drown out all other sounds, making them appear much larger when spoken to.

Asgard is also home to other celestial beings in the service of the gods, such as Valkyries, Deva, Coatl, and Lumin.


Valhalla is Odins great longhouse. It sits at the edge of a mirror-like fjord. Here, Odin is building an army for a single purpose: Ragnarok.

In the daytime, the fields around Valhalla are filled with warriors, training for the final battle. Each evening, Valhalla houses a great feast where the fallen warriors celebrate as if it was their last day in the afterlife.


Folkvang is Freya's domain. It is an endless wheat field bathed in eternal dawn. At its center lies Sessrumnir, Freya's golden hall, where she gathers souls to repopulate the world after Ragnarok.