
Essence: chaotic

Ashresin was accidentally discovered by Sira Blazefire, as a byproduct of other alchemical studies. If the right materials are burned, the ashes that remain can be bonded with hard resins in molds to form black plates with a characteristic texture. These plates are extremely tough and light. They are also able to absorb magical energy from an impact. This property makes them highly sought after as armor plates, especially by those who expect to face magic users, and as protective gear for arcane experimentation.

To make a square foot sheet of ashresin worth 1500gp, about 1000gp worth of alchemical herbs must be burnt and bonded together. This requires a full work-day and the artisan must cast Absorb Elements, Heat Metal and Protection from Energy.

The best ashresin is made by the Archivists, especially in their Greystone laboratories. They only sell a fraction of what they make for outrageous prices. A full suit of plate armor made from good ashresin costs more than 25000gp, but will let the wearer shrug off magical attacks as if they were snowballs thrown by children.