
Essence: water

A tea made from moonmint petals is an effective contraceptive, in both males and females. Moonmint grows as a vine in tall tree crowns, and its pale pink flowers only open during a full moon. There are many euphemisms for the herb and the tea made from it, including "bard's comfort" and "half-elf brew", referring to the fact that half-elves are infertile.

A moonmint flower worn openly signals that the wearer is a prostitute, and a stylized version of the flower is a widely recognized symbol for a brothel.

The great halfling painter Dominic Talonis was killed in a duel with Alastair Covington, a Covenant nobleman after Talonis painted the nobleman's wife, Loretta Covington, with moonmint flowers in her hair. The portrait now hangs in the lobby of Covington's Wife, the premiere brothel in the inner circle of Covenant.