

Founded in 1188 AUC.


Dominant culture: Martial

Patron deity: Heimdall

The city of Covenant is the capital of the Estian League. It was founded after the empire fell, as a capital city for the new nation. The city is built in concentric rings, centered around Council Hall. It was built as a unifying symbol around the exact place where the treaty that established the League was signed, then a small town called Aphenor.

Most houses in Covenant are made from fired bricks, although the inner tier has its fair share of houses made from greystone or even marble. The houses outside the city walls are simpler and mostly wooden. Many people who live outside the city go to work inside the walls, making mornings and evenings quite crowded along the major gatehouses and thoroughfares.

The Covenant coat of arms consists of a white rose on a field of alternating concentric circles of blue and red, echoing the design of the city. The rose is a symbol of Heimdall, the patron deity of the city. This is also the arms of House Beckett, who rule over the County of Covenant.

The Covenant city guard have cloaks that are half blue and half red, giving rise to the nickname stripes. Officers of the guard carry insignia in the form of a key. The guards stand watch at the city gates and patrol the walls and streets in pairs. They are stretched too thin - numbering only about 800 - to keep the city truly safe from crime. Most guardsmen are also willing to extend their otherwise meager income with bribes. In the unlikely event of a major outside threat, the Purple Legion have their headquarters only a days ride away.

Inner Tier

The closer you live to Council Hall, the higher your status. The houses of the innermost tier of the city is almost exclusively for nobles, wealthy merchants, and members of the council. Most major organizations also have some presence here. The Pilgrim Knights have a small embassy here, and the Archivists has one of its bigger libraries here. The FTC only keeps a minor delegation here, an intentional slight.

The wall that goes around the inner tier is not as tall as the outer wall, but is still manned day and night. Each tower of the wall is equipped with a large ballista or dragon-scorpio, in case of an attack from the ground or air respectively.

The area between the large gatehouse and Council Hall is a wide stone staircase. "Walking the steps" is a common expression for going between the outer tier to the inner tier of Covenant. The inner tier is closest to the ocean, and the steep 150-foot drop around the inner tier provides both natural protection against water-borne foes, and a magnificient vista for those few who can afford real estate here.

Council Hall

Council Hall is the location of the central Estian government, the Council of Estia. Scribes and politicians walk its marble corridors. The Council Chambers themselves is at the very center of the city. The Chambers seats the councillors and their aides, as well as a small audience.

The Hall itself is octagonal, and built like a fortress. At its center stands the tall Council Tower, the highest point of the city. From the top of the tower one can see the entire city and much of the lands beyond it. This is where the council meets and where Speaker Portia Tuveren has her office and private apartments.

Around the Council Tower, a labyrinthine rose garden is tended by several dozen gardeners, and provides the councillors with some respite from the busy city. This is also where the Council hosts its social functions. The Archivists of the Scriptorium also have a large alchemical garden here.

Just as Council Tower reaches far above the rest of the city, its cellars and dungeons delve far below street level, containing vaults of riches, prison cells, and other secrets. The lower tiers are rumored to be guarded by enchanted golems that attack anyone that isnt wearing the insignia of the council.

The dungeons of Council Hall runs deep below the city, providing secret passages between many government locations. For example, the vaults of the Estian Exchequer are connected to the vaults of the Council, but there are even some noble mansions with a private, underground entrance to Council Hall.

Turquoise Island Embassy

Council Hall also houses the tabaxi Chieftain-in-exile of Callatis, the leader of the displaced rump-state that still has a seat on the Council of Estia. He vigorously lobbies for military action to retake the islands from the Pilgrim Knights, who annexed the Turquoise Islands after they were liberated from the yoke of Philomeda and her dragons. The other members of the council are not very receptive to his plans, as they do not see the islands as being of very high value, and the Pilgrim Knights are not a weak force.

Chieftain Dusk Sabletail

(tabaxi, LE)

The Scriptorium

The Archivists who work for the Council keep a library of texts concerning philosophy, history, law, and economics. Archivist scribes work at all levels of the Estian government.

Talia Bellshaw

(human wizard, LN): Loremaster and head archivist of the Scriptorium. She is almost 70 years old and has an almost eidetic memory for documents she has read, and she has read far more than most. Her role and knowledge makes her one of the most influential people in the League that are not on the council.


(water genasi wizard, master alchemist, CG): Examiner of the Archivists, teaching alchemy. Nautilus has blue skin and green hair that seems to flow as if underwater, and his tome of recipes that he keeps at his person at all times contains hundreds of different potions and decoctions. He usually has half a dozen elaborate potions cooking in his study at any time, but he is always looking for rare ingredients to start another project. His deepest desire is to find the recipe for Mead of Life.

Old Oak Hotel

Aristocratic inn

The most popular tavern in the Inner Tier is the Old Oak Hotel, named for the grand tree that stands outside its main entrance. The upstairs club at the Oak is a secluded place in the busy city. Many deals have been struck here - not all of them perfectly legal. Guests here can expect to pay 20gp per night. While expensive, guests are pampered throughout their stay by a small army of servants.

Theodoros Vistel

(silver dragonborn, CN): The Old Oak's concierge. Legendary for his connections throughout the city. If he can't get something, it doesn't exist in the city.

Iacarisi Embassy

This house is decorated with scrollwork masonry in the elven style. It is the embassy of the Kingdom of Iacaris, established to facilitate cooperation between the two nations. Silvar Halasir is the ambassador here, who often has business with the council.

The Estian Exchequer

In a lavish and well-guarded marble building lies the main office of the Estian Exchequer, the central bank of the Estian League that serve both public institutions as well as many of its private companies and individuals.

The bank is tightly guarded by magical wards and a big detachment of well-armored guards who wield heavy crossbows and halberds. The Exchequer has offices in several major cities in the League, and gold can be transferred between islands using treasury notes.

On the top floor of the bank are the offices of Lady Calliope Beckett, the Lord Treasurer of the League, who sits on the Council.

Matthew Villencourt

(halfling, LN): Manager of operations at the bank. Impeccably dressed in fine silk suits, he is the final authority on loans and investments that the bank makes.

Depositing gold

If gold is deposited in the bank, the account earns an interest of 1% each month. You receive a bearer note that can be exchanged for gold at any of the bank's offices.

Borrowing gold

It is also possible to get a loan from the bank, who will ask for some sort of security in exchange. The usual interest rate is 5% each month.

Safe Deposit Vault

In a special room in the Exchequer, they have an Enigmatic Vault. For a one-time payment of 1000gp, it is possible to gain access to the vault, which the bank claims is completely theft-proof. To maintain the secrecy of their customers' deposits, access to the Vault is unsupervised, unless it is their first visit, or help is requested. In order to help with congestion, visits are limited to 30 minutes, and must be booked in advance.

The following people are known to have a safe deposit account at the exchequer.

Temple of Freya

This temple to Freya also serves as the Pilgrim Knights' embassy to the League. All branches of the Knights are represented here. The temple also operates as small hospital and orphanage.

Johanna Starmantle

(half-elf sorcerer, LN): Healer of the Charitors and the Knights' main liason with the Council.

Cassia Silverrose

(halfling, LG): A charitor Disicple in charge of the temple's orphanage. Cassia runs a tight ship, as she believes discipline is the best way to better yourself. Her charges usually find her a bit intimidating.

Spencer Proudridge

(human paladin, LN): As Templar, he is highest-ranking Spear stationed at the temple. Stoic and fair, Spencer would prefer a post where politics did not play such a major role.

Diana Moonless

(human ranger, CN): Specialist of the Seekers who is very skilled in fieldcraft and subterfuge. While she usually poses as a low-ranking charitor, she is in charge of the Pilgrim's intelligence gathering operations in Covenant.

Manor Beckett

The grandest dwelling in the entire city is the seat of House Beckett. It is built at the highest point of the city (except for Council Hall), and has a splendid view over the water from the impeccably kept gardens.

All noble households needs expensive objects to adorn their walls, and the Rogue's Gallery has the most expensive objects of them all. Paintings depicting any subject you can think of (yes, even that!) adorn the walls from floor to ceiling, and most of the floor space is taken up by sculptures.

Alexander nan Estiae

(half-elf rogue, CN): Owner of the gallery, and connoisseur of fine art. He has become rich from trading in paintings and sculptures, selling to nobles for outrageous prices. Dresses in flamboyant silk outfits and feathered hats.

Starsnap, Copperspire, and Partners

The best (or at least most expensive) legal firm in the League. They have argued many cases before the Chief Justice, and three of the last five Chief Justices were recruited from the very expensive lawyers that work here. The building also contains a small shrine to Sif, the goddess of Justice.

Lorissa Starsnap

(gnome, LE): Granddaughter of Calanthe Starsnap, the founding partner of the lawfirm. She is a shrewd and cunning lawyer, more interested in seeing her clients walk free than actual justice.

Blackmoon Manor

The seat of the Blackmoon vampire clan, one of the oldest clans on Estia.

Theophilus Blackmoon

(vampire, LE, 388): The leader of the Blackmoon clan.

Covington's Wife

The premier brothel in Covenant. Named after Loretta Covington, whose husband Alastair killed the great painter Dominic Talonis in a duel after he painted Loretta with moonmint flowers in her hair, a symbol of being a prostitute. That very portrait now hangs by the entrance to the brothel. The bottom floor houses a bar, where prospective clients can watch the ladies and gentlemen of pleasure who work here. The bar can also supply whitemiss-infused drinks for those who require it. The price of the services here vary, from 10gp to several hundred gp per night.

Madame Thalie Windfield

(half-elf, CN): Proprietor with a fierce reputation for protecting her girls and boys.


(human, CG): High-price prostitute. Knows much about the noble men (and even some women) of the city.

Her most high-profile clients are Matthew Villencourt and Damien Alvaro, who both sit on the council.


(half-elf, NG): Popular among both male and female visitors.


(tabaxi, CN): Rust-furred tabaxi who wears plenty of faux jewelry in her soft coat.

Has been seen entering the apartments of Chieftain Dusk Sabletail in the Turquoise Islands embassy at night, several times.

The Silksmithy

The premiere one-stop-shop for all your high-end sartorial needs. Everything from ballgowns of the finest silks to dresscloaks embroidered with your coat of arms, the Silksmithy can procure or make it. They even carry a line of enchanted clothing made with enchanted silks from Roslake, for those extra demanding customers. Quality comes at a steep price, but you don't want to look like you live in the lower tier, right? Even a non-magical outfit from the Silksmithy can run into the hundreds of gold.

Alchiba Silksmith

(gnome expert tailor, LE): Co-owner with her husband. She has an uncanny ability to tell someone's dress size by looking at them. Alchiba goes through several assistants each month, firing them on the spot for even the most minor infraction.

Pascal Silksmith

(gnome, LE): Co-owner, along with his wife. Always impeccably dressed in tails and a top hat. Enjoys spending time with nobles and people in positions of power, and the only thing he loves more than gold is his wife.

Outer Tier

This is where the majority of the city's commerce is made. Merchants trade in cloth, spices and other wares from the Estian Islands and beyond are traded here.

Temple of Heimdall

A grand marble temple to the city's patron deity, Heimdall. The temple is a beautiful building with large colonnades that line its main entrance. Inside, a roaring ever-burning flame keeps the crowds warm in winter and very hot in summer. The high altar is flanked by two statues on anvil-shaped plinths depicting a pair of winged deva.

The grounds outside the Temple has many graves and mausoleums, dating back to the founding of the city. All previous dukes and duchesses of Estia are buried here, as are many other nobles. The largest tomb belongs to Isobel Beckett, considered to be the mother of the Estian League. Her tomb is made from midnight marble, and adorned with seven lapis roses, echoing the League's coat of arms.

Grumbel Stonechisel

(dwarf cleric, LG): Ex officio Councillor as High Priest of the League's temples to Heimdall. When his other duties allow, he sometimes leads services at the temple. He is very wise and learned in the divine stories of the Vanir.

Malien nan Estiae

(elf, LG, 78): Acolyte at the temple. Dressed in a red frock, she provides guidance to visitors to the Temple.

The Platinum Peacock

Wealthy inn

One of the nicer establishments in the outer tier of the city. This tavern has enough different ales, meads, and mixed drinks that anyone can find something to their taste. Most nights there is also also some sort of entertainment, such as a bard or a troupe of belly-dancers.

Faith Brightsoul

(aasimar, NG): Owner and proprietor of the Peacock. She enjoys bringing in exotic spirits and ingredients, perhaps more than would make sense for the business.

Halawen Heartmantle

(half-elf bard, CG): House troubadour at the Peacock. She is the lover of Faith Brightsoul, and they consider each other their muses in their respective creative endeavors.

Unity Square

This is where most of the city's business is made. Artisan shops line the roads around the square and stalls, hawkers, and peddlers fill the square every day. At the center of the square stands a 20-foot tall marble diorama of a group of mortals slaying a dragon. Some say this symbolizes the League breaking free from the Empire. Others say it is a monument to an adventuring group who died fighting a dragon many years ago.

Siri Fireplate

(dwarf expert blacksmith, LN): Specializes in smithing blunt weapons. The bellowed forges of her shop are always hot. She often visits the Temple of Heimdall to pray and make sacrifices.

Minvar Astasil

(high elf journeyman alchemist, TN): Has a stall in the square where he sells various potions. Only rarely carries healing potions, preferring those that mimic spells.

Stanley Proudshear

(human, CG): Hairdresser and stylist with his own shop. His services are not cheap, but he is the best in Covenant. Allegedly, half the Council are his clients.

Nilwyn Mindoriex

(wood elf expert bowyer, CN): Nilwyn is a very skilled bowmaker who has a small shop on a backstreet near Unity Square. She has been experimenting with windsilk-strung bows.

The Buckliss Theater

Home of a theater company called the Buckliss Company in the patronage of Countess Catherine of House Beckett. She can be seen attending many plays from her patron's box.

The Buckliss Company was founded by Christopher Buckliss, one of the most famous Estian playwrights. His ghost is said to still haunt the halls of the theater.

Alexandra Ashridge

(human bard, CG, 42): The playwright in charge of the Buckliss Company. Skilled writer who has written some very popular plays, including the Shipwright's Daughter and the Lady of Cheese.

Sanor Morningcross

(half-elf, CG): Actor and most recent starlet of Covenant. His acting skills and extremely good looks have stirred something of a rumor craze about his love-life. According to the rumors, Sanor has been seen with no less than four women recently, some of them quite high-born.

Guard Barracks

The headquarters of the Covenant city guard. Here, barracks and armories crowd the streets and recruits are drilled in rudimentary combat training. There is also a jail, where miscreants apprehended by the guard are kept. Outside the jail there is also a stockade.

Lord Peter Eaglefield

(human, LN): Captain of the Guard. Takes his orders from the council, but needs to keep Count Roscoe happy, as he has the power to replace him.

The Dryad's Rest

A rundown bar in the city's outer tier. It gets its name from an old statue of a dryad that stands in front of it. The bar itself serves cheap ale and grog for its rough clientele. There are usually a few tables of gnome fold happening in the common room here.

However, the bar has a secret. If you speak the password ('the fire laurel is in bloom') to the barkeep, you are let through to a hidden upstairs lush garden bar, nestled between two buildings and shielded from prying eyes and ears with magic.

This city escape is home to the Clippers, a business-like syndicate that deals in all sort of crime, from simple breaking and entering to assassination, all for the right prize. Like many other gangs, they are part of the Couriers.

Jonathan 'Enigma' Fowler

(human master thief, CN): Leader of the outpost. Keeps his two bodyguards, a pair of tiefling twins named 'Red' and 'Blue' (confusingly, Red is the blue one, and Blue is the red one). Started by clipping coins (hence the name of the gang) when he was a spice merchant. When he realized he could make far more gold from a life of crime, his spice shop mysteriously burnt to the ground, allowing him to collect on his insurance, twice. Enigma might be the best dragonchess player in Estia.

Feniel 'Demon' Malasar

(high elf warlock of the fiend, NE): Second in command of the Clippers, and their most magically skilled member. Has a pact with a Rakshasa named Donymodhas, and does his bidding in Covenant. Has an imp familiar.

Ivy 'Nightshade' Raspwort

(halfling assassin, CE): The clipper's best assassin. Prefers to use poison, either in her victim's food or delivered via a pair of ornate stiletto daggers she always keeps close. More than a little sadistic, preferring to let her victims suffer.

Anna 'Duchess' Breckenridge

(human, CN): Technically minor nobility, something her gang-members never lets her forget. Usually works the upstairs bar, where the liquor is of markedly higher quality than downstairs.

Aelo 'Crooner' nan Estiae

(half-elf bard, CN): Provides entertainment at the Dryad's Rest, but his magical talents come in handy when the gang is putting together a team for a larger heist.

Isaac 'Weasel' Brassblade

(gnome rogue, CN, 57): Expert forger who works for the Clippers.

Mickus 'Madhat' Brassblade

(gnome artificer, CG, 53): Brother of Weasel. Artificer who makes gadgets, tools, weapons, and other things the Clippers. Can be a bit strange at times, but is probably harmless.


(goblin, CN): Barkeep and bouncer, all in one. Keeps a loaded crossbow under the bar for particularly annoying customers.

The Estian Bulletin

The Bulletin is largest newspaper in the League and writes about most things that happen in the islands. They are in the pocket of House Tuveren, and are used as a propaganda mouthpiece from time to time. While the Bulletin has a very fuzzy line between editorial content and advertising, they do some real sleuthwork as well.

Etoain Shrdlu

(goblin, CG): Head press mechanic. Knows the machinery inside and out - quite literally, as he often has to perilously climb inside to clear paper jams.

The Crescent Moon Baths

The tiled halls of this bathhouse are popular both with nobles and common folk. The baths are centered on a large chamber filled with fog, and a tea bar stands in the center. Several private tea rooms are available for hire, each with a private sauna and an attendant that serves tea. It is also possible to get a massage or other treatments.


(tiefling herbalist, CG): Tea-master at the baths who grows, dries, and blends leaves for the perfect tea.

The Wizard's Study

The Study is a place for open arcane research. They are opposed to the near-monopoly on higher studies that the Archivists hold. They trade in books, scrolls and minor magical items. Some who fail to the entrance exams to the Archivists study here.

The Study has a circular tower that stands above most other buildings in the outer tier of Covenant.

Meghan Pearlwing

(human wizard, TN): Ex-archivist who was expelled for researching the wrong subjects. Now works in the Study selling scrolls and spellcasting services to the people of Covenant.

Full Moon Tavern

Modest inn

A popular place to stay for travelers on a budget, the Moon is homely but somewhat spartan in its offerings.

Victoria Stagwood

(human, NG): Proprietor of the Moon. She is a heavy-set woman in her late forties who usually forgets most things she is supposed to do.

The Stonemarket

A covered market where goods and items are traded. This market is controlled by the Mason's Guild, who peddle in much more than just stonework.

Katla Craghammer

(dwarf, LE): Leader of the Mason's Guild. Her ruthless business acumen has made her one of the richest people in Covenant. She controls a majority of the construction companies in Covenant, including many of the brick factories that supply them.

Rhilen Isneroth

(high elf expert jeweler, LN): Rhilen is trained at the Arcanaeum in Tel Edhil but moved here with his human wife. He owns a Staff of Defense.

Curtis Bronzeford

(human, LN): Butcher who runs the Daily Ration, a shop that makes and sells delicious sausages, patés, hams, and other meat products. A hearty meal at the Ration is 1gp.


(eladrin, CG): Baker who makes bread and treats. Her shop always smells of freshly baked rye bread and flowers. Her laceberry cupcakes are very popular. Sharwyn is usually in spring, exuding warmth and friendship to anyone who enters her shop.

Cora Slateswirl

(gnome apprentice runecarver, LG): Cora was trained at the Carver's Retreat, and scribes protective enchantments in leather. She wears an Othala (o) floating rune.

Shrine to Idun

This small shrine honors Idun, the Goddess of Luck. It is a gathering place that is popular among the halflings of the city, many of whom live close to this part of the city. The services are often intermixed with popular music or other entertainment. A runic inscription above the entrance reads: "Fortune Favors the Small Folk".

The shrine receives a sizable grant from Lord Jerome Delacroix, who is a regular visitor.

Felicity Goldmallow

(halfling luck cleric, CG): Attendant at the shrine. She is a skilled diviner, but interprets them through a lens of good and bad omens.

Oisin Silkbean

(halfling cleric, NG, 44): Until recently attendant of the shrine to Idun in Whitport, but was driven away when that shrine burnt down. Now spends his days in atonement for what he considers his inability to protect the shrine that he was charged with.

Covenant Harbor

While smaller than the harbors of Greystone, there is still significant traffic on the water going to and from Covenant. Some merchant captains prefer to sell their goods here, as the FTC in Greystone can be difficult to deal with.

Kettil Windhelm

(dwarf, LN): Once the captain of the Bronze Manatee, he is now harbormaster in Covenant after his leg was injured in an accident at sea. Knows the name of every ship that passes through his docks.

Tuan Halatil

(wood elf, NG): Cartographer who sells seacharts for both the local area and far-away seas. Some days there can be a line of sailors out the door to his little shop.

Outside the Walls

Not everyone can afford to live inside the walls. The area by the outer walls is built up to almost the same density as the inner walls, much to the chagrin of the guard commanders.

Further away from Covenant, farms and homesteads litter the landscape. The largest farms produce rye, oats, pigs, and apples. The fortress of Wolfgarde lies about a days ride away.

The Mudworks

The soil around Covenant provides excellent clay for making pottery and bricks. The largest brick factory, north of the city, employs several thousand people, and most of the city's buildings are made from bricks, including the walls. Working in the Mudworks is low-status and dangerous, but there is always work available.

Oakhead Downs Racetrack

Just outside the walls of Covenant lies the Oakhead Downs racetrack. This is where the nobility face off on horseback or with chariots. Betting is rampant, often reaching exorbitant sums. The racetrack is owned and operated by the Amberday family, who has become very rich on its profits.

The people of Covenant view horse racing as a nobler and far less barbaric than the bloodsports that are perpetrated at the Greystone Arena. The grandstands are where much of the city's business is conducted, over a glass of fine mead. It is a good place to hold a private conversation, as the announcers magically-enhanced voices drown out most sounds.

For special occasions, more exotic mounts are raced, such as elephants or raptor lizards. Large facilities for breeding and caring for all kinds of animals are available at the Oakhead Downs grounds, staffed with farriers, stablehands, and cartwrights for chariots.

Benjamin Amberday

(human, CN): The shrewd owner of the racetrack. Has become one of the richest men in Covenant. Desires to become part of the nobility, perhaps by marrying his daughter into a noble family.

Grace Amberday

(human, NG): Daughter of Benjamin Amberday. Races horses at the track, preferring her majestic stallion Stormfoot, who has won many races.

Sigdis Proudband

(dwarf leatherworker, TN): Saddlemaker and general riding equipper who works at the Downs, but also sells her wares to others. She also occasionally participates in races atop her giant boar Rosie.

Betting on the races

The betting shops at the Oakhead Downs takes bets of all sizes, from 1gp and upward. Races consist of 5 horses each, each rolling a d20 and applying its modifier, with the horses arriving in order of their rolls. On a tie, all the tied riders makes another set of checks to determine the winner.

If the horse you bet on wins, you get the payout described in the table below. If it comes in 2nd place, you get your money back.

Horse rankMoney backRace Modifier

Racing: To race a horse, you roll an Animal Handling check and add your mount's Walking Speed divided by 10 (example: riding a warhorse as a level 5 character that is proficient with Animal Handling and has 14 Wisdom, your total modifier would be a 3 (proficiency) + 2 (wisdom) + 6 (warhorse speed is 60ft, divided by 10) = +11). You might have to earn the right to participate in some races. It might also be possible to gain an edge, earning a bonus to your race performance. How to get this bonus is up to the racer!

These are some of the horses that regularly race at the racetrack:

Champions: Django, Sprite, Stormfoot, Kestrel

Contenders: Trigger, Harpy, Jingles, Rosie (a boar)

Hopefuls: Flashmane, Black Dragon, Pegasus, Stripes (a zebra), Griffon, Swifthoof

Geldings: Sparkle, Bruno (a giant goat), Blossom, Dolphin, Snowy, Dancer

Hacks: Chip, Sunshine, Maverick (a pony), Dimple, Saffron, Magoo

Other locales in the city

The Sewers

Built to be a modern city, with all the trappings of comfort, Covenant has an extensive network of aqueducts and sewers running below street level. Those who can navigate them (and endure the foul stench) can travel through the city unseen, and sometimes faster than going through the crowded streets. Some entrances even lie outside of the city walls, providing a way to enter or exit the city unannounced.

When travelling through the sewers, make a Survival check (can gain advantage with a map or other navigation aid) and check the table for the result.

1-5You get lost and end up in a random place, and if you encounter hostiles, they gain surprise on you
5-9You have to double back and get there in double the time
10-20You arrive in normal time
21-You find a shortcut and arrive in half the time, and you can roll for encounters twice, taking the higher value

Also roll a d12, to check for an encounter while travelling:

22x Ogre Howdah and 10 (3d6) Goblin
32 (1d3) Sewer-water Elemental
42x Gelatinous Cube
514 (4d6) Needle Blight
6Paric, a Nothic trader that sells various useless trinkets, but only accepts food as payment.
7-12No encounter
1Albino Giant Crocodile
47 (2d6) zombie and 2 (1d4) Ghast