
Essence: varies

Runeglass is made in large furnaces with a mix of alchemical mastery and magical knowledge. The resulting product is clear as glass and hard as steel. Obsidian, deep purple glass formed from volcanic activity, is a type of naturally occurring runeglass with a lawful essence.

Runeglass can be fashioned into armor or weapons. By mixing in additives (most commonly gem dust) or enchantments during the creation process many different properties, colors, and traits can be attained. These different types of runeglass can have various types of essence.

The Arcanaeum in Tel Edhil is one of few places known to produce top-quality runeglass, or tindoisne. The Luthdore, the honorguard of Queen Caerynna are equipped with golden runeglass armor that has been infused with the power of the sun, a true sight to behold.