House Hathador


House Hathador

Honor and Learning

House Hathador ('Darkguard') is the ruling house of Iacaris. They are a very old house with many prestigious bynames. Their line is one of the purest noble lines, with genealogical records going back beyond the founding of the Empire. They are descended from the royal family of Amnora, the elven kingdom that rose in rebellion against the empire almost 800 years ago.

Family members

Queen Caerynna

(high elf, LN, 381): Queen Caerynna Hathador Tindotirel is the ruler of the kingdom of Iacaris. She is an old and powerful sorceress, especially gifted in the arts of divination magic. She has ruled Iacaris ever since it became independent when the empire fell almost 250 years ago. She lives in Ambar Tenelcel, the Silver Oak Palace, in Tel Edhil.

Her golden hair shines in the sunlight at the Sun Court atop Ambar Tenelcel, where she receives audiences dressed in ornate dresses of white, silver and gold. Her crown is ancient but relatively simple, a platinum headband set with a single sparkling luxite gem. On her finger she wears a signet ring, which bears powerful enchantments.

Crown Prince Aerivar

(high elf, LG, 141): Eldest son of Queen Caerynna and heir apparent to the kingdom of Iacaris. Serves as Sentinel in the Wardens, commanding the city guard of Tel Edhil. He is very deadly with his double scimitar.

Princess Luthwyn

(high elf, NG, 88): Daughter of Queen Caerynna. She shares her mother sorcerous magic, but her powers are not as developed.