Quest Hooks

To generate a quest hook, roll 21 (2d20). You choose which die determines the objective and which determines the motivation. If you roll doubles, roll a third d20, and add a second objective to the quest.

For example, consider a roll of 14 and 5. The two options are:

  • I need help to recover a lost or stolen item in order to woo a love interest.
  • I need help to acquire a rare component in order to redeem a crime I commited.
d20I need help to order to...
1break a curserecover my honor or clear my name
2find a lost allyescape from danger
3gather intelligencehinder a rival
4infiltrate somewhereget revenge
5acquire a rare componentwoo a love interest
6get somewhereget back home
7call in a debtrepay a debt
8stop an attack on my homeprogress in an organization
9acquire richesgain the favor of a deity
10clear a dungeonkeep a promise
11perform a ritualfeed an addiction
12stop a criminalbecome famous
13have a spell castgain the favor of a powerful person
14recover a lost or stolen itemredeem a crime I commited
15recover a lost or stolen weaponsave an ally from danger
16hunt a particular monsterprotect my home
17steal somethinggain the favor of an extraplanar entity
18negotiate a truce or settlementfulfill a prophecy
19protect a location under attack or break a siegesolve a mystery
20bring a criminal to justicewin a bet

To generate an ally, look at the relationship tables.